
A plugin for the merb framework that enables solr indexing for DataMapper models.

MIT LicenseMIT


A plugin for the Merb framework that enables Solr indexing for  DataMapper Models. It is loosely based on the
acts_as_solr plugin(http://acts-as-solr.rubyforge.org/) for rails.

Current Features:
  i) Model indexing
  ii) Search using get_by_solr


solr-ruby gem
tomcat or jetty running an instance of solr


# in config/solr.yml
  servlet_path: app_name
  port: 8080
  host: localhost

# in the model
include Solarize::Resource  

solarize :fields => [:id, :title, :body, :author]

# to rebuild indexes in batch

# to search 
Model.get_by_solr('merb hacks')
=> {:total=>2, :docs=>[[113], [112]]}
# that will give  you a hash that contains docs array with id's amd total num found