
Nowadays every website we need to use social media section. Instead of using, image for social media its good practice to use fontawsome. Why use fontawsome? Font awesome icons are retina ready that means it will look perfect in all types of display. No matter what type of display is. Therefore, if you have the option to use font awesome icon you can use it for social media. In this video, I created three types of social media area and I hope you will understand the basic things and with this knowledge, you can create any type of social media section. Why social media is important? If you add social media on your website, it can build more trust in your product or your service. Therefore, people like to add social media to their website.

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Nowadays every website we need to use social media section. Instead of using, image for social media its good practice to use fontawsome.

Why use fontawsome? Font awesome icons are retina ready that means it will look perfect in all types of display. No matter what type of display is. Therefore, if you have the option to use font awesome icon you can use it for social media. In this video, I created three types of social media area and I hope you will understand the basic things and with this knowledge, you can create any type of social media section.

Why social media is important? If you add social media on your website, it can build more trust in your product or your service. Therefore, people like to add social media to their website.

Now if you interested to add social media icon using fontawsome here is the tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYzH9s_RvvQ