
Every time when I install Linux, I need to do this sometimes I miss some and need to do it again. So I made this repository to ensure everything works fine.

Linux Command for First Time Setup

📝 Why?

Every time when I install Linux, I need to do this sometimes I miss some and need to do it again. So I made this repository to ensure everything works fine.

Install Update

sudo apt update

Install Upgrade

sudo apt upgrade

Install Favorite Apps

sudo apt install obs-studio vlc gimp gparted synaptic

Install Ubuntu Restricted Extras

sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Install Preload

sudo apt install preload

Improve Laptop Battery

sudo apt install tlp tlp-rdw

Install Custom Softwere

sudo dpkg -i (package location)] 

Install Gnome

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks -y
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-manager

Taskbar app click to open

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action 'minimize'


curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash

To install the latest Node.js

nvm install node

nvm install --lts

Install Theme

https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1619506 Create Two folder on home directory and press Ctrl + H then create .themes & .icons

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