
:shield: An application to test the security of various IoT devices using plug and play test scripts.

Primary LanguagePython

IoT Security Testbed

A testing tool that's meant to checks the security of some IoT devices used in the UAE, this program was a part of a research I worked on. It works by running scripts against IoT devices to try and hack them then show a report about the results, it's written in Python 3 using PyQt5.



Download a compiled "exe" demo file from Releases. Or download the source code and follow the steps below to run it.


  1. Install all packages required for this application using this command:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. After applying changes to the application layout (using QT Designer), run this command:

    pyuic5 iottestbed.ui -o layout.py


  • To run the application directly through Python, simply use this command:

    python main.py
  • To convert the application into an "exe" executable, use this command (find .exe in dist/ folder):

    pyinstaller --clean -F -w main.py -i iot.ico --add-data="iot.ico;." --add-data="sponsors.png;." -n iottestbed
