
aTLAS Evaluation Result Utility

Primary LanguagePython

aTLAS Evaluation Result Utility


  • Python 3.9+
  • Pip 21+
  • Setuptools 56+

Use below command(s) to determine if your environment meets the prerequisites

python -V                       # Python version
python -m pip -V                # Pip version
python -m pip show setuptools   # Setuptools version


Follow one of the following steps to install atlas-evalutil utility

It is recommended to install inside a virtual environment

Install from wheel. From terminal enter:

pip install <file-name>.whl

Install from sdist. From terminal enter:

pip install <file-name>.tar.gz

Install from the project directory. Navigate to project directory where setup.py is located and enter:

pip install .


After successful installation atlas-evalutil command should be available globally from terminal.


Make sure the bin or Scripts directory of your python installation is included in path environment variable unless you are using any virtual environment.

Alternatively, can be executed as a python module

python -m atlas.evalutil


An input directory is expected to contain the required input items listed below:

  • directories: evaluator_results
  • files: scenario_sizes.csv

Also, the input directory can be organized into directories as v0, v1, v2 etc. to specify multiple version of evaluation results. In such case the name of the sub directories within input directory must start with v followed by a number.

Example directory structures are provided below:

|___ evaluator_results
|    |___ sr_20230107_222428_160.py
|    |___ sr_20230107_222438_049.py
|    ...
|___ scenario_sizes.csv


|___ v0
|    |___ evaluator_results
|    |    |___ sr_20230107_222428_160.py
|    |    |___ sr_20230107_222438_049.py
|    |    ...
|    |
|    |___ scenario_sizes.csv
|___ v1
|    |___ evaluator_results
|    |    |___ sr_20230107_222533_196.py
|    |    |___ sr_20230109_003206_619.py
|    |    ...
|    |
|    |___ scenario_sizes.csv
|___ ...


When --export option is specified, the output is stored at default output directory or directory specified through --output-dir option. See scenario or chart options for more information. A typical directory structure is as follows:

|___ memory_usage.svg
|___ time_usage.svg
|___ scenarios.txt


|___ v0
|    |___ memory_usage.svg
|    |___ time_usage.svg
|    |___ scenario.txt
|___ v1
|    |___ memory_usage.svg
|    |___ time_usage.svg
|    |___ scenarios.txt
|___ ...


This section documents all the available commands and options of atlas-evalutil.

Calling atlas-evalutil from the command-line also displays the complete list of commands. You can combine --help with any of the commands for more formation.

Global options

  • --help (-h): Displays help information.
  • --config-file (-c): Custom configuration file (TOML) to override configurations for the session

Here are some use cases. Please refer below for more detail on the sub command(s).

atlas-evalutil scenario
atlas-evalutil chart --time-usage
atlas-evalutil chart --memory-usage

Supplying custom config file

atlas-evalutil --config-file ./config.toml scenario
atlas-evalutil --config-file ./config.toml chart --time-usage
atlas-evalutil --config-file ./config.toml chart --memory-usage


The scenario command displays the list of scenarios ran for evaluation.

atlas-evalutil scenario

You can optionally save the output into output directory using --export option.

atlas-evalutil scenario --export


  • --help (-h): Displays help information.
  • --input-version (-v): Not needed if an input directory contains the required input items directly. However the input directory can have multiple version of evaluation data organized into directories as v0, v1, v2 etc. (see input directory structure). In such a scenario this option is required to specify the version of input data to be selected.
  • --input-dir (-i): Sets the path of input directory (default: data/input). If --input-version is specified then a sub directory with the version name is expected inside the input directory.
  • --output-dir (-o): Sets the path of the output directory used by --export option (default: data/output). If --input-version is specified then a sub directory with the version name is created.
  • --export (-e): Saves the list of scenario names in output directory as text file


The chart command displays and/or save a desired chart. Currently two types of charts are implemented which can be switched by --time-usage and --memory-usage options.

For example the following command displays the memory usage chart

atlas-evalutil chart --memory-usage


The following command displays the time usage chart

atlas-evalutil chart --time-usage


You can optionally save the output into output directory using --export options.

atlas-evalutil chart --time-usage --export

You can specify the output format using --export-format option. Supported formats are jpg, png, svg, pdf. The default format is svg

atlas-evalutil scenario --export --export-format "pdf"

You can also specify the necessary axis units through optional --memory-unit and/or --time-unit options. Default memory unit is in Megabytes and time unit is in seconds

atlas-evalutil chart --time-usage --time-unit "m"
atlas-evalutil chart --time-usage --memory-unit "GB"
atlas-evalutil chart --time-usage --time-unit "m" --memory-unit "GB"

atlas-evalutil chart --memory-usage --time-unit "m"
atlas-evalutil chart --memory-usage --memory-unit "GB"
atlas-evalutil chart --memory-usage --time-unit "m" --memory-unit "GB"

A combination of options is also possible

atlas-evalutil chart --memory-usage --time-unit "m" --memory-unit "GB" --export
atlas-evalutil chart --memory-usage --time-unit "m" --memory-unit "GB" --export --export-format "pdf"

There some further options for localization using --x-limit and --y-limit

atlas-evalutil chart --memory-usage --x-limit 0,60 --y-limit 33,36


Here is a special case for memory usage where the x axis (time) can be scaled to percentage

atlas-evalutil chart --memory-usage --x-scaled


It is also possible to switch the chart type

atlas-evalutil chart --time-usage --chart-type scatter



  • --help (-h): Displays help information.
  • --input-version (-v): Not needed if an input directory contains the required input items directly. However the input directory can have multiple version of evaluation data organized into directories as v0, v1, v2 etc. (see input directory structure). In such a scenario this option is required to specify the version of input data to be selected.
  • --input-dir (-i): Sets the path of input directory (default: data/input). If --input-version is specified then a sub directory with the version name is expected inside the input directory.
  • --output-dir (-o): Sets the path of the output directory used by --export option (default: data/output). If --input-version is specified then a sub directory with the version name is created.
  • --time-usage (-t): Displays the time usage chart
  • --memory-usage (-m): Displays the memory usage chart
  • --time-unit (-tu): Sets time unit for relevant axis of the desired chart. See help for possible options.
  • --memory-unit (-mu): Sets memory unit for relevant axis of the desired chart. See help for possible options.
  • --export (-e): Saves the chart as a SVG file in output directory
  • --export-format (-f): Format of exported chart. See help for possible options.
  • --chart-type (-ct): Specifies the type of the chart to generate. Currently supported line and scatter. Default is line
  • --x-limit (-xl): Limit of x-axis in format of min,max (example: 0,100). Helpful for localization.
  • --y-limit (-yl) Limit of y-axis in format of min,max (example: 0,100). Helpful for localization. (for memory usage only)
  • --x-scaled (-xs): Scale x-axis (time) to percentage (for memory usage only)


The config command can be used to access, set and/or reset configuration items.

atlas-evalutil config --list
atlas-evalutil config --set input_dir="data/input"
atlas-evalutil config --set input_dir="data/input" output_dir="data/output"
atlas-evalutil config --get input_dir
atlas-evalutil config --reset input_dir


  • --help (-h): Displays help information.
  • --list (-l): Display list of all configurations
  • --get (-g): Displays a specific config item
  • --set (-s): Sets the config item(s). Expected argument(s) in key=value format
  • --reset (-r): Resets the config item with the item specified in active config file

By default the configuration items are stored at atlas-evalutil.toml inside installation directory. The configurations can be overridden at user level by placing atlas-evalutil.toml file in user home directory. A further overriding is possible by placing another atlas-evalutil.toml file at working directory. Finally, it is also possible to override all of them using the global option --config-file option.

Further Development

Refer to README.dev.md for further instruction to extend the project.