
Create Kubernetes cluster using Ansible and kubeadm

About k8s-setup

K8s-setup creates a Kubernetes cluster on a Linux machine. Ansible and kubeadm are used to create Kubernetes clusters.
Ansible Playbook is typically run from a different machine than the one on which Kubernetes cluster is created. The figure below illustrates this.


On the machine running Ansible

  • OS
    • Linux (Checked on Ubuntu 20.04)
  • Tool
    • Ansible

On each node in a Kubernetes cluster

  • OS
    • Ubuntu (Checked on Ubuntu 20.04)
  • Tool
    • Python3


Prepare public and private keys for SSH connection

SSH to each machine on which you will create Kubernetes to perform setup. Prepare a pair of public and private keys for this purpose.
Add the public key to /home/[username]/.ssh/authorized_keys on each node. After this you should be able to connect via SSH with the following command.

ssh -i [filename of private key] [username]@[hostname]

Prepare configuration files

Create a copy of the *.sample file without the trailing .sample, as follows.

cp files/sshkey.sample files/sshkey
cp group_vars/all.yml.sample group_vars/all.yml
cp hosts.sample hosts
cp host_vars/control-plane1.yml.sample host_vars/control-plane1.yml
cp host_vars/worker-node1.yml.sample host_vars/worker-node1.yml
(Copy the number of worker nodes to be created)

Edit the contents of each config file according to your environment.


Stores the private key used for SSH connections. It will be in the following format.

(BASE64-encoded text with the private key)


Define variables that are common to all hosts (i.e., nodes).

ansible_user: user                              # Fill in the user name of the remote host.
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "./files/sshkey"  # Specify the path to the private key file.

file_kubeadm_join_command: "./kubeadm_join_command.tmp" # Editing is not necessary.


Group hosts by controla plane and worker node and define a name for each host.
Variables for each group of hosts are set in host_vars/[hostname].yml described below.

[control-plane] # Host group of control plane

[worker-node]   # Host group of worker node 
(Add worker nodes to be created, if necessary)


Define variables to be used in the control plane.

ansible_host: control-plane1.example.com
# node_ip:
# kubeadm:
#   pod_network_cidr:
#   service_cidr:
#   apiserver_advertise_address: "{{ node_ip }}"
  • Required
    • ansible_host : Host name for SSH connection. IP address can also be set.
  • Optional
    • node_ip : IP address to connect to each Kubernetes node. Mainly used when you want to use an IP address different from ansible_host. For example, a node's private IP, etc.
    • kubeadm section : Indicate if you want the CIDR of a Pod or Service to be different from the default value.


Define variables to be used in the worker node.

ansible_host: worker-node1.example.com
# node_ip:
  • Required
    • ansible_host : Host name for SSH connection. IP address can also be set.
  • Optional
    • node_ip : IP address to connect to each Kubernetes node.

Creating a Kuberenetes cluster

Building a control plane

Execute the following command.

ansible-playbook site_control-plane.yml

Building a control plane

After building the control plane, execute the following command.

ansible-playbook site_worker.yml

Notes and Constraints

  • containerd is used as container runtime.
  • CNI construction cannot be performed with this tool.
    • For your reference, the author wrote how to install Flannel on Qiita. Please understand that this article is written in Japanese.
  • The version of Kubernetes that was tested is as follows.
$ kubectl version
Client Version: v1.29.6
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.29.6

$ kubelet --version
Kubernetes v1.29.6

$ kubeadm version
kubeadm version: &version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"29", GitVersion:"v1.29.6", GitCommit:"062798d53d83265b9e05f14d85198f74362adaca", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2024-06-11T20:22:13Z", GoVersion:"go1.21.11", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}




"k8s-setup" is under GPL license.