What is this?

Just me playing around with React Native with the Google Maps and MapBox APIs.

To run

Set gmaps API key

npm run start:server => starts Express server

npm run serve:ios => opens xCode simulator for iPhone => opens terminal running the Metro Bundler => terminal used to run npm stops and hands off to new terminal

To simulate Location route

npm run serve ios Open XCode project Set destination to appropriate Simulator or Device Start Xcode build In XCode, Debug -> Simulate location


Hey dummy, you saved a bunch of tabs in your bookmarks related to this project.

How it works

  1. Get current location data from device
  2. react-native-maps shows gmaps interface
  3. Google directions API gives directions in the form of "polylines"
  4. MapBox polyline library decodes polyline strings to overlay onto map

Issues I've faced and how to resolve them

error Could not find iPhone X simulator. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.

  1. Open Xcode
  2. Press Command+Shift+2 it will open Devices & Simulators option.
  3. Go to Simulators tab and press + icon on the left bottom and add iPhone X or other device, based on error message


  1. In Simulator "Hardware" menu, press "Shake Gesture"
  2. Select "Debug JS Remotely"
  3. In the browser that opens, do 'inspect'


Trigger something when user reaches a waypoint

Use polylines from each step object for better accuracy

  • .legs represents waypoints
  • legs.steps represents steps in tha waypoint
  • legs.steps.polyline.points has the polyline

Display info for current leg and next leg For each step in the leg, display next step When user reaches within 2m of step dest, go to next step When use reaches within 5m of leg destination, go to next