- reads num 、data volume、Q20、Q30
- Q20、Q30 of barcode and UMI
python fastq_stat.py --help
usage: fastq_stat.py [-h] [--fastq FASTQ] [--file_type {gzip,fastq}]
[--barcode [BARCODE [BARCODE ...]]]
[--umi [UMI [UMI ...]]]
stat raw fastq data info, including total data、(barcode、UMI)Q20 percent、Q30 percent
python fastq_stat.py -f test.fastq -t fastq [-b 0 16 -u 16 25]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--fastq FASTQ, -f FASTQ
full path of fastq file
--file_type {gzip,fastq}, -t {gzip,fastq}
fastq file type, gzip of fastq
--barcode [BARCODE [BARCODE ...]], -b [BARCODE [BARCODE ...]]
barcode index list
--umi [UMI [UMI ...]], -u [UMI [UMI ...]]
umi index list
python fastq_stat.py -f test.fastq.gz
39561 5103369 4493270 3856336