
A simple Electron application for taking and managing notes on the fly.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Electron Notes App

This is a simple Electron application for taking and managing notes. It uses Electron to create a desktop application with a web-based user interface. The application uses NeDB, a lightweight JavaScript database, for storing note data.

Electron Notes App


  • Add new notes with a title and additional details
  • Edit existing notes
  • Delete notes
  • View the list of all notes
  • Sort notes by date and time created


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/shpetimhaxhiu/simple-electron-notes-app.git
  2. Install the dependencies

    cd electron-notes-app
    npm install


To run the application, use the following command:

npm start

The application will open in a new Electron window. You can add, edit, and delete notes using the user interface.

Code Structure

  • main-clean.js: This file contains the main Electron process code. It creates the application window, handles events, initializes the NeDB database, and communicates with the renderer process via IPC (Inter-Process Communication).

  • renderer-clean.js: This file contains the renderer process code. It handles user interactions and displays the user interface. It communicates with the main process via IPC.

  • preload-clean.js: This file is used as a preload script for the renderer process. It assigns the ipcRenderer module to the global window.ipcRenderer variable, allowing the renderer process to communicate with the main process.

  • index.html: This file contains the HTML code for the user interface.

To read more about the code structure, see the SPEC.md file.


  • Electron: Used for creating cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies.
  • NeDB: A lightweight JavaScript database for storing data.
  • Bootstrap: A popular CSS framework for building responsive and mobile-first websites.
  • Font Awesome: A popular icon set library.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request.