
A very simple Woocommerce Bundle for Symfony2

Primary LanguagePHP

The Woocommerce Bundle for Symfony

This is just a simple bundle for using the REST API of a WooCommerce shop. This is a plug & play bundle for symfony using the original WooCommerce REST API PHP Client Library. Feel free to contribute or use this for your own needs.


  • This is just a simple port of the WooCommerce REST API PHP Client Library for Symfony projects
  • Currently supports only 1 shop to be used with, but you know how to customize this to your own needs.
  • Install bundle, add bundle to kernel, configure services.yml with your shop api keys & shopurl and go.
  • The full WooCommerce REST API PHP Client Library is located under the Client folder of the bundle


  • Download bundle and put it under your src directory
  • Add the bundle to the appkernel.php by adding "new WooBundle\WooBundle()"
  • Open the WooBundle and look under Resources/config for the service.yml file
  • Add your Woocommerce Shop API keys & Store URL
  • Done, look under this AppBundle/Controller for the DefaultController where some examples are given.