Welcome to my GitHub repository containing various data structure programs. This repository is a compilation of programs implementing a variety of data structures. Each data structure is implemented in C programming languages to provide a broad understanding and to cater to the preferences of different developers.
This repository contains the following data structures-
- Arrays
- Linked lists-
- Singly linked list
- Doubly linked list
- Circular linked list
- Application of Linked list-
- Polynomial arithmetic
- Addition of two numbers
- Stacks-
- Array implementation of stack
- Linked list implementation of stack
- Application of stack-
- Nested brackets
- Infix to Postfix
- Queues-
- single sided queue
- doubly sided queue
- circular queue
- Trees-
- Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- AVL Tree
- Red-Black Tree
- Graphs-
- Graph representations (Adjacent Matrix, Adjacent List)
- Graph Traversals (Breadth First Search, Depth First Search)
- Heaps-
- Minimum heap
- Maximum heap
- Hash Tables