

1. TableHead

Property Type Required Default value Description
withSelect bool no false boolean to enable select/select all
areAllSelected bool no boolean for all selected
onSelectAll func no callback function for all rows select
columns arrayOf yes array of columns config to add


1. TableRow

Property Type Required Default value Description
isSelected bool no boolean to toggle selection of row
onSelect func no callback function for row select
onClick func no callback function for row onClick
startRowIndex number yes startrow index for rows
data custom no row object to display
config shape yes config for column + rowHeight + index + withSelect


1. Table

Property Type Required Default value Description
className string no additional classnames to add
columns arrayOf yes array of columns config to add
rows arrayOf yes array of data rows to display according to viewport
visibleRows custom no 10 number of visible rows to display
rowHeight custom no 200 row height of each row to display
withSelect bool no false boolean to enable select/select all
isLoading bool no false boolean for data loading indication
onSearch func no callback function for searchbox onChange
onRowClick func no callback function for row onClick
onRowSelect func no callback function for row select
onAllSelect func no callback function for all rows select
onFetchMore func no callback function for loading more data
searchPlaceholder string no <See the source code> search placeholder for searchbox
debounceTimer number no 150 debounce timer for functions

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