
SRGAN (Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network) implementation using PyTorch framework

Primary LanguagePython

Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network


An unofficial implementation of SRGAN described in the paper using PyTorch.

Published in CVPR 2017


  • Python 3.6.5
  • PyTorch 1.1.0
  • Pillow 5.1.0
  • numpy 1.14.5
  • scikit-image 0.15.0


Pre-trained model

Train & Test


python main.py --LR_path ./LR_imgs_dir --GT_path ./GT_imgs_dir


python main.py --mode test --LR_path ./LR_imgs_dir --GT_path ./GT_imgs_dir --generator_path ./model/SRGAN.pt

Inference your own images

python main.py --mode test_only --LR_path ./LR_imgs_dir --generator_path ./model/SRGAN.pt

Experimental Results

Experimental results on benchmarks.

Quantitative Results

Method Set5 Set14 B100
Bicubic 28.43 25.99 25.94
SRResNet(paper) 32.05 28.49 27.58
SRResNet(my model) 31.96 28.48 27.49
SRGAN(paper) 29.40 26.02 25.16
SRGAN(my model) 29.93 26.95 26.10

Qualitative Results

Bicubic SRResNet SRGAN


If you have any questions or comments on my codes, please email to me. son1113@snu.ac.kr