Facility Management Service System

Primary LanguageJava


AP (Advanced Programming) Project

Hello people!

## Project Description - Objective and features supported by the application:

Objective: To make a proper defined system using JAVA and Database for managing various things that the FMS is required to do. Using the Project, it would be easy to keep track of tasks assigned to various members and their availability status, to add new members or delete members from the system

Features: The System consists of 3 departments, an Admin, Department Supervisors for the given departments and their respective staffs. The system would use 5-6 database tables that would be used to keep details about members in departments,their task status and availability status and the equipments inventory currently available and requested items as well. All the Users currently in the database can login. There exists only one Admin. Any new User has to register first , after which his request is approved by the Admin or the Department Supervisor of the department he applies to. The Admin can view the members in the system , delete any member of the system, view logistics of all the Department supervisors, approve/reject registration requests of member , view task status and task reports of Supervisors and staffs. The Supervisor can view the staff in his department , delete any staff in his department , view their task status , leave status and approve/ reject registration requests , approve/ reject leave requests and view task reports. The Staff member can be assigned task , he can update his task status , leave status and generate task reports.
