BOSH Deployed K8s in Openstack



Step 1

First step, clone the repo and get the submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update

Step 2

Copy the .envrc-example to .envrc

cp .envrc-example .envrc

Modify .envrc to suit your openstack keystone user/auth credentials

export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=secretadminpassword
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://your.openstack.url:5000/v3

Then allow direnv to run in the root of the repo

direnv allow

Step 3

Build the docker image that is required for the deploy command

./deploy build
## or pull it
docker pull shreddedbacon/openstack-ansible

Once that is set up, it may complain a bit or download some extra utils for BOSH

Step 4

Modify openstack-setup/config.yml to suit your preference

cp openstack-setup/config-example.yml openstack-setup/config.yml

Once you're ready, provision the infra

./deploy ansible-playbook openstack-setup/provision.yml

This step can take a while as we pave out the project, networks, security groups and loadbalancers in the new project

Step 5

Create a generic key that will be used to provision VMs in Openstack

./deploy genkey

This process automatically generates an ssh key into the keypair/ directory for usage by openstack and when provisioning VMs with BOSH

Step 6

Deploy the Jumpbox, we will use this to interact with our BOSH director that we will create next.

This step will automatically assign a floating IP address to the jumpbox for future commands to use

./deploy jumpbox create

This may take a few minutes as it will need to download additional resources and then start the VM in openstack

Step 7

Once jumpbox is ready, start the sock tunnel in a new terminal, this will try to keep a tunnel open for as long as the process is running It is required whenever you want to interact with the BOSH director


This process copies the automatically generated jumpbox ssh key into the keypair/ directory for usage

Step 8

With the socks tunnel running, we can deploy the BOSH director now.

We will be using BUCC for this ( as it makes deploying BOSH/UAA/Credhub/Concourse easy. You don't need to clone this as it is included as a submodule in this repository

First run bucc up --cpi=openstack to pre-populate the vars yml file (for use with raw bucc commands), then use deploy to bucc up

bucc up --cpi=openstack
./deploy bucc up

The bucc-root/vars.yml file will look a bit funky, we only populate it with stuff that is relevant for bucc env so we don't break out direnv environment variables

Step 9

Once BUCC is up, we need to refresh our direnv before we can use our BOSH director We need to now tell our director how to use openstack, and more specifically how our infrastrucutre has been paved We also need to add a dns runtime config for use in k8s

direnv allow
./deploy update-cloud-config
./deploy update-runtime-config

Step 10

We can't install k8s without the right stemcell, lets upload it now. This will upload the image into openstack via the director, and then our director will know which images it can use for deploying its VMs

./deploy kubo-stemcell

Step 11

Lets get k8s running

./deploy kubo

If you encounter a failed deployment with errors with the following, try ./deploy kubo one more time, the openstack api/vm may not have been ready in time

 Error: CPI error 'Bosh::Clouds::CloudError' with message 'Load balancer pool membership with pool id 'a80deb02-98b3-4d0c-b23c-c81729d49502', ip '', and port '32443' supposedly exists, but cannot be found.' in 'create_vm' CPI method (CPI request ID: 'cpi-533242'

Step 12

Once that deployment is done, we need to run an errand to set up the cluster a bit more that couldnt be done in the initial deployment

./deploy kubo-errands

Step 13

Once the errands are complete, you can set the kubeconfig

./deploy set-kubo-config

Once you've got your Kubeconfig, you can stop the socks tunnel. Just remember you'll need that tunnel for doing anything with BOSH

Step 14

Deploy a default storage class that allows k8s to provision cinder volumes

./deploy storage-class

Step 15

Ingress! K8s will need an ingress controller if you want to expose services

./deploy ingress

Step 16

Demo app (modify the hostname to suit whatever is pointing to your loadbalancer ip address)

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/demo/demo-music.yml

In a short time you should be able to access it in the browser!


./deploy X where X could be:

  • jumpbox-certs to clear out jumpbox certificates in the event they expire or need to be regenerated
    • run ./deploy jumpbox after doing this
  • get-kubo-token to get the admin token from your kube config for whatever reason
  • cert-manager to install certmanager
    • see kubernetes/cert-manager/ for yaml files if you want to customize
  • destroy-kubo if you want to tear down your k8s
  • ansible-playbook destroy.yml if you want to tear down the infrastructure that was paved
  • jumpbox-ip to get the external IP of the jumpbox server
  • kubo-ip to get the external IPs of any loadbalancers