
AirbnbPricePrediction is a machine learning project that predicts Airbnb rental prices using a dataset of Edinburgh, focusing on the property's proximity to certain venues.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Airbnb Pricing Predictions

A Statistical Model to predict the optimal Airbnb Listing price in given listing information (e.g. bedrooms, type of bed, location, ratings) and take into account.

Data Sources


Technologies Used


In order to run the code make sure you pre-install all the dependencies such as LIME, Flask etc.


Create a directory called "Data", and download the datasets from this link into the directory: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12TfxELKDHTCIpMYSbWPaMxTF8zhzRpAv?usp=drive_link

To run the project:

  1. Run the file AirBnbFinalDemo_v8.ipynb
  2. Specify the folder path where the CSV files are located path1 = "I:/class/Term2/BDM 3014/Project/CSVs/Batch1"
  3. At last the code will generate a .pkl file
  4. Run the app.py to view the UI
  5. Access the webpage at http: //

Warning: certain models take a while to train and run!