Limbik Assignment

This project is for Assignment Challenge from Limbik.


  • Create Environment Config Files as apps/api/.env & apps/client/.env. (Use .env.sample for examples)

  • Install Dependencies

        # From Root Project Directory
        yarn install
  • Run for Client & Server in Parallel

        # From Root Project Directory
        yarn dev
  • Client: (http://localhost:3000)

  • API: (http://localhost:4000)

Tech Stack


  • Neo4J: Requirement for Assignment


  • TURBOREPO: To make development workflow easier and faster


  • TypeScript: Static Typechecking & Tooling
  • ReactJS: Requirement for Assignment
  • NextJS: Enhancing Codesplitting, SSR and to follow Production Ready Practices
  • Ant.Design: Rich Component UI Library with custom controls
  • Redux Toolkit + RTK Query: Following Industry Standard State & API Management Practices


  • TypeScript: Static Typechecking & Tooling (To Support NestJS)
  • NestJS: Building efficient and scalable Backend APIs
  • Neo4j-Driver: Official Driver from Neo4j to interact with Neo4j Databases

Author: Shreeji Pedhadiya 👨🏻‍💻