
Trying out vodasign with juggernaut2 and Nodejs

Primary LanguageRuby

== Vodasign - Juggernaut  

My Vodasign respositry is an experiment with Ruby based Juggernaut. 
That experiment helped me understand realtime messaging and handling request/response

== Vodasign - Juggernaut 2

node.js has intrigued me quite a lot in the recent past. 

This project is an experiment to understand how Rails and node.js can play well with each other.

== My understanding

The Juggernaut Pub/Sub now runs on node.js
The server provides a simple HTML page to render the published messages

We have a ruby client to publish or subscribe

Redis is needed to hold the messages 

node-redis client writes the published messages in ruby in to the Juggernaut port.

Try daemonizing node with the help of "http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/run_nodejs_as_a_service_on_ubuntu_karmic/"