
The overall purpose of this assessment is to evaluate your ability to apply functional programming and object oriented programming concepts in R. There are two parts to this assignment. The first part compares different functional programming techniques and benchmarks their performance. The second part uses object-oriented programming techniques to define a class to represent longitudinal data and provide a set of functions for interacting with such data.

Primary LanguageR


The overall purpose of this assessment is to evaluate your ability to apply functional programming and object oriented programming concepts in R. There are two parts to this assignment. The first part compares different functional programming techniques and benchmarks their performance. The second part uses object-oriented programming techniques to define a class to represent longitudinal data and provide a set of functions for interacting with such data.

Part 1: Factorial Function

The objective of Part 1 is to write a function that computes the factorial of an integer greater than or equal to 0.

  1. factorial_code.R: an R script file that contains the code implementing your classes, methods, and generics for the longitudinal dataset.
  2. factorial_output.txt: a text file that contains the results of your comparison of the four different implementations.

Part 2: Longitudinal Data Class and Methods

The purpose of this part is to create a new class for representing longitudinal data, which is data that is collected over time on a given subject/person. This data may be collected at multiple visits, in multiple locations.

  1. oop_code.R: an R script file that contains the code implementing your classes, methods, and generics for the longitudinal dataset.

  2. oop_output.txt: a text file containing the output of running the above input code.