
Linux desktop development environment using Ubuntu, Vagrant and Virtual Box.

Primary LanguageShell

Linux Dev Box

This repository includes the vagrant configuration that reads all your VM configuration from the configuration file config.yml and builds and manage the development machine in a single workflow.



  • Install requirements from above.
  • Install vagrant plugins
# Plugin disk size
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
# Plugin virtual box guest add-on
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  • Clone or download this project
git clone git@github.com:sajalshres/linux-dev-box.git
cd linux-dev-box
  • Create config.yaml from config.yaml.example as per the requirements.

    • On minimum, you need to update following properties:
      • name: Preferred name for machine
      • cpus: Number of CPUs (Recommended is 2)
      • memory: 4096 GB Recommended
      • ports: This will allow you to access the port from localhost. If you are running a web server in port 8000, and want to access the same in local browser, you can set host: 8000 and guest: 8000. This will map the port 8000 from the local machine to the vagrant box in port 8000.
      • ssh: Generate ssh key in your default location (profile)
      • provisioners: They include set of tools that will be installed during provisioning. You can disable each by setting enable: false
      • note: Fot setting git, you'll need to get the token from GitHub developer settings. Otherwise, set git and repositories provisioners to false.
  • Create and Configure guest machine

# Same directory where repository is cloned
vagrant up

Note: If you get error for ubuntu cloud image, update the base_box_version from https://app.vagrantup.com/ubuntu/boxes/bionic64

  • To re-run softwares, run provision as below.
# Same directory where repository is cloned
vagrant up --provision
# OR
vagrant provision


This project is still a Work-In-Progress(WIP) We are currently building a script to install all the prerequisites in a single powershell or python script


  1. Sajal Shrestha