
A beginner friendly material to start with. These resources can be used as training material for freshers.

Java and Spring Learning Materials

Chapter 1 : Fundamentals of Java

1.1 Primitives

1.1.1 https://www.baeldung.com/java-primitives

1.1.2 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html

1.2 Conditionals

1.2.1. Basics


1.2.2 Some conventions to follow


**1.2.3 Switch Case **


1.3 Loops

1.4 OOP

1.4.1. Class, Interfaces, Abstract Class, Access Modifiers

1.4.2 Encapsulation

1.4.3 Abstraction

1.4.4 Inheritance

1.4.5 Polymorphism

1.4.6 Overloading & Overriding

1.4.7 Miscellaneous

1.5 String

1.6 Exception Handling

Chapter 2: Intermediate Java

2.1 Collections


Fig: Collections Framework Hierarchy, Source: https://www.javatpoint.com/collections-in-java

2.2 Generics

2.3 Streams and Lambdas

2.4 Optional

2.5 Annotations

2.6 Date API

2.7 Command Line Tools for Java

Chapter 3: Advanced Java

3.1 Concurrency

3.2 Features of Java 8 and later


Chapter 4: Java Build Tools

Chapter 5: Java EE

5.1 Servlet

Chapter 6: Clean Code and Design Patterns

5.1 SOLID Principles

Chapter 7: Java Spring Framework and Spring Boot

7.1 Overview of Spring Framework

7.2 Beans, Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection

7.3 Spring MVC, Spring Boot

7.4 Properties, Profiles, Value Annotations

7.5 Spring JDBC, Persistence, JPA

7.6 Spring Security

7.7 Miscellaneous