
FAQ for University of CaliforniaSanta Cruz 2019 Incoming Grads

Primary LanguageCSS

Congratulation to all graduate students (M.S, PhD) for receiving an admit from University of California, Santa Cruz. I intend to document some of the common Q&As that are likely to arise from the day you get an admit to days well into the 2 quarters of your graduate studies. I write this from an Indian/CS/CE student perspective though it is applicable to all grad students.

There are no answers that will help compare your admits. Post in WhatsApp/Facebook groups or talk to the previous batch grads for opinions on the same. However my take on the pros and cons of UCSC are,


  • Strong research. High profile Professors and labs.
  • Proximity to the Bay Area.
  • Small school. Better visibility.
  • Funding likely with TA.


  • Less number of Career fair.
  • No co-op.
  • No spring intake.

Getting started

  • Join some of these groups.
  1. Official Group of UCSC Students
  2. UC Santa Cruz Class of 2020 Roommates
  3. University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) Housing, Sublets & Roommates
  4. UCSC Indian Student Association
  5. Join UCSC and Santa Cruz Reddit
  6. Allgrads google groups (You will get a link/invite on your non UCSC email)
  • Request your i20 from the international student's office (ISSS https://isss.ucsc.edu). You would get an email about it. You will pay around 70$ to get the i20 couriered to you. You will need it for your Visa.
  • As an international student Keep track of your financial, logisitic requirements at https://visadocs.ucsc.edu
  • Keep track of your TODOs at https://my.ucsc.edu/
  • Find housing, decide courses, visa, tickets etc ...


  • Choosing courses How to?

Know your funding. Know your goal for master’s. Know your degree requirement (https://www.soe.ucsc.edu/departments/computer-science-and-engineering/graduate/degree-requirements-cmps) Know when and where you want to intern. Plan your time accordingly. You are the best judge.

  • How many quarters does it take to finish MS?

Practically at least 3. At most 6. The average is 4. (Sept Joining Year (to) December Joining Year+1)

  • How many courses per quarter?

At least 2 As an international student to maintain a full-time student status we require 10 credits. So, two 5 credit courses are the usual. 3 is pushing it. 4 is impossible. Alternatively, 3 + TAing is impossible. The first quarter is an exception. 3 courses are manageable including CMPS200 as one.

  • Bonus question: How to maintain full-time student status with the college without taking 10 credit course?

There is a course called independent study/CMPS297. That is a filler 5 credit course that u can take with the permission of a professor and work on your project/thesis. What is expected out of this course depends on which Prof. signed your independent study course. You can even take 2 CMPS297 a quarter and stay a full time student and just do research. You will have to pay the quarters’ full fee though. https://grad.soe.ucsc.edu/independentstudy

  • When to choose courses?

You will get a mail from the grad advisor (Alicia Haley). Typically 45 days before the beginning of a quarter.

  • When to take CMPS200/CMPE200?

Should be taken in the 1st quarter. See requirements.

  • Can CMPE202 Requirement be waived (CS grads only)?

Yes. With an oral test with one of the CMPE202 Profs. If you fail the test, you need to take the course with Letter grade to get done with the requirement.


  • How important is GPA at UCSC?

Until your GPA is > 3.5/4 and you don’t get below B- on 2 courses you are good if your plan is to join the industry. If you intend to pursue a Ph.D a good GPA is necessary. Also, scoring B- on 2 courses will put you on academic probation. Poor Academic Standing for international students can have you deported.

  • To take THESIS or PROJECT track(Masters only)?

You have until the last quarter to decide. You can walk away with any of these choices by enrolling in the courses CMPS(E)296/299 in the graduating quarter.


  • How to show proof of immunization?

Go to a lab nearby(I went to Dr.Lal PathLabs). Show them the bunch of immunizations proof needed. With 3-4 Blood samples + ~5000 rupees + 2 working days you get the report that needs to be submitted at https://healthcenter.ucsc.edu/.


  • When to submit transcripts?

It’s okay to submit in person after you arrive.


  • Career fair frequency?

~4 fairs seen by Fall’18 batch from Sept. 18 to Mar. 19. See https://careers.ucsc.edu/

  • How big was the career fair at UCSC?

The career fair targets undergrad(internship and fulltime) and grads equally. So not all companies coming are looking to hire you. The usual size of around 20 companies. The fair lasts for 5-6 hours and you talk to someone from the company, give your resume and hope for a call in the next week. Notable ones are Nvidia, Facebook, Arista. (More details about the company at https://careers.ucsc.edu/student/events-workshops/Job%20Fairs/index.html)

  • When to start internship hunt?

As soon as you land. Or maybe before.

  • How hard is the job hunt?

Depends on your profile. Your skillset match commends interview calls. However, if you apply in the company site maybe its just luck.

  • How is the ALUMNI Network?

Frankly Poor. But you can network / find them on Linkedin and InMail them.

  • How is the Interview process for UCSC grads?

The usual. Unlike grads from top tier colleges like CMU that directly get an interview call, UCSC grads mostly go through an online coding challenge (Mostly Hackerrank). Internships are easier to get compared to full time. Maybe 3-4 times easier.


  • Find advisor (Ph.D)?

If you joined with an advisor already in your mind (who most likely interviewed you), your Prof. probably mailed you about how he/she plans to onboard you. If you don't have anyone in your mind, you will have enough time to network in the first 2 quarters and join a lab group.

  • Find advisor (Masters)?

Master's students will need advisors for advising their Master's project or thesis. Depending on the Professor, you will be expected to commit for 2-3 quarters and deliver something to the lab or Prof's work. This contribution will decide your CMPS296/CMPS299 course grade.


  • Should you take college insurance (UCSHIP)?

Depends on how much you want to risk. UCSHIP premium is ~1500$ per quarter. Private insurance like (https://www.psiservice.com/) and (https://www.isoa.org/) is ~400$ per quarter. If you are hired by TA the college provides free insurance. Know enough about US healthcare system before making this decision.

  • Met with an accident within Santa Cruz? What do you do?

ALWAYS have a copy of your insurance ID in your wallet. If you are unconscious someone can help you out.

  1. For a minor accident including minor health ailments, If you are on campus during business hours, visit the health center.
  2. For off business hours, if your condition is stable visit the nearest (in-network) hospital under URGENT care. EMERGENCY CARE is exorbitantly priced.
  3. For minor accidents you can also call 911 and get your health stabilized. Opt NOT to use an ambulance to reach an hospital. Ambulance prices in the U.S. is exorbitant.
  4. In the worst emergency call 911, take an ambulance reach EMERGENCY and take every effort to get out of danger.
  • How to waive insurance?



  • What is the cost of my MS at UCSC?

Too broad. Lets take 4 different situations of how your quarter can be.

  • I do not have enough funds yet to show to the college in order to get my i20 because my Education Loan is yet to get sanctioned. What do I do?

This deadlock is not uncommon. Solution: Assuming you will need to show 45-50 lakhs as proof and you have 20 lakhs from family funds as liquid assets and you plan to take 25+ lakhs as a loan, for now you need to get a bank statement from one of ur relatives/friends. You then need to fill a form called affidavit of financial support from isss and ask them to sign it and say your parents + that relative/friend is funding you. Once you get your i20, show that to your bank and get your loan approved.

Quarter Expense($):Fee + Insurance Living($) Income from grading or TAing
Q1:Fall -9500 -400 (3rd party insurance) -3000 +500 (Grader for 1 course)
Q2:Winter -9500 -1500 (UCSHIP) -3000 +1000(Grader for 2 course)
Q3:Spring -5500 (after fee waiver) -3000 +6000 (TA for one course)
Q4:Summer 0 -4500 (bay area cost) +15000 (internship salary)
  • Average rent in Santa Cruz as of 2018-19?

800$/month. Guys looking for housing at $650-$700 housing can contact me. I might have a spot or 2 from vacating seniors next year.

  • Average cost of internet?

$50-$60/month per house

  • What about SIM cards/cellphones?

Some points here,

  1. Along with your i20 courier, you receive a starter SIM called J1 sim (https://www.j1simcards.com/) that you can activate for $25 plan. Feedback: The J1's network is really bad on campus. There are certain areas within campus (around Porter/Rachel Carson college) where all networks lose data coverage though.
  2. The alternative: $20-$25/month for a 2GB plan by standard providers like At&T, Verizon is the standard. 2GB will suffice given you would have wifi at home and college. A family plan with your roommates will bring cost down to $20.
  3. Best deal(after lot of research): I use a $15/month plan with Mint mobile. The network is very good for the price you pay. I recommend Mint. Please use my referral if you plan on buying Mint http://fbuy.me/lDgC0 Disclaimer: I am not associated with Mint in anyway and I do not write this point as a promotion/ad.
  • What is the cost of living?

Depends on your diet and lifestyle. How often do you eat outside? You will mostly spend $10-15 per meal per person. Even if you are a non-vegetarian you will mostly spend less than $50 a week on necessities.

  • How hard is it to find housing in Santa Cruz?

Medium to Hard.

  • Where do I look for housing?

Your options,

  1. Network with previous batch to find who is graduating and if they have a spot
  2. Post on the Facebook/Reddit group listed above
  3. Try https://www.zillow.com
  4. Try https://www.housingregistry.net/
  5. Innovate.
  • Fall quarter fee payment. HOW TO?

You will have options either to wire transfer or pay via https://www.flywire.com/. If you have a student loan, give the wire transfer details to the bank/lender. You can mail https://sbs.ucsc.edu/ for the wire transfer details.

  • Teaching assistantship?

Again you will get explicit instructions a month or 2 before the quarter begins about how and where to apply.

  • Research assistantship?

Practically, No master's student has any shot at RA whatsoever. PhD's get guaranteed funding master's don't.

  • Other jobs?

Tutor/reader on campus is easy. You will never have to work at a McD.

  • Opening a bank account>

Walk upto Chase,Mission St, or Wells Fargo,River St or BoA and it should be done in 15 minutes. Call to schedule an appointment for even faster turn around.

  • ATM?

Best place is at the college near BayTree bookstore. You would need cash only if you are traveling by metro (bus) to the bay area. Cards almost always.


  • Groceries?

Safeway and Trader Joe's at the heart of Santa Cruz to buy Veggies, Bread, toiletries etc.

  • Quarterly shopping?

Buy in bulk. Hit Costco and buy supplies for the quarter. Way cheaper than safeway and trader joe’s.

  • Indian Supplies?

You need to go to San Jose. 7$ by bus. ~5$ by zipcar after pooling.

  • Furniture?

Lookup thriftstore,santa cruz on google or order from amazon.

  • Misc purchases?

DollarTree is accessible by car. Once a quarter it is advisiable to buy supplies from there.


  • Indian Restaurants?

1-2 in Santa Cruz. Mumbai delights is the closest. Ambrosia is another good restaurant. Trader Joe's also has ready to eat Indian food.

  • On campus food?

Explore quarterly, bulk and daily(11$) options to buy meals. The finals week meal is 5$. More info at https://dining.ucsc.edu/eat/. Look at the food truck section.

  • Quick snack?

There are a few vending machines(24x7) and coffee shops that can keep you alive for a few hours with 1-5$.

  • Food delivery?

Unlike bay area food delivery is very expensive. (~10$ per delivery maybe).


  • Shops on campus?

BayTree Bookstore to buy UCSC merchandise. Accessory store also has coffee, bars, drinks etc.

  • Laptop?

If MAC, you have connection at Apple, get the employee discount. Else Baytree Bookstore has cheap options. Try https://www.bhphotovideo.com/ and Amazon too.

  • Utensils?

If you already have utensils back home and you have space in your bag, bring them. Otherwise purchases on Amazon or the nearest Indian store at San Jose is wiser.

  • Ready to eat?

Again, pack maybe for the first week at Santa Cruz. You will get almost everything you get in India at an Indian Store at SJ.


  • How is the climate at SC?

Very pleasant. Comparable to hill stations in India. 7 degrees to 20 degrees throughout the year. Do bring an umbrella from India.

  • How to pack for the weather?

For men: Bring all the sweatshirts / jackets you have at home. You can always buy here. It is cheap.


  • Nearest Airport?

SFO. SJC is close but cheaper option is India to SFO and then taking the road to SC. Book 2-3 months in advance for tickets around 35,000INR.

  • Getting to Santa Cruz from SFO with luggage?

Your options,

  1. Uber: Choose common landing dates and time and pool.
  2. http://www.santacruzflyer.com/
  3. Request some senior to come pick you up.
  4. Innovate.
  • Getting to Santa Cruz from SFO without luggage?

There are bunch of trains and metro buses. Follow Google maps.

  • What is the name of the college bus stop?

Baskin Engineering or Science Hill.

  • Commute to college?

Commute to college is free for all UCSC students. You need to show the bus driver your UCSC ID card. Its less than 30 minutes from anywhere within santa cruz to Baskin Engineering.

  • Other options?

Use the https://jump.com/'s Jumpbike app. Cheaper than an Uber. Drive safe :)


  1. Beaches(Natural Bridges), Hiking trails, Mystery spot, Boardwalk, The Wharf.
  2. Pubs and clubs mostly unaffordable until your first real job. The nearst shopping mall(Capitola Mall) is 4-5 miles away.
  3. Rent cars, know about zipcar: https://www.zipcar.com/


  • How do get ID card?

First day at college, get down at the BayTree Book store stop and ask someone.

  • How to get access to Library/GSC/Gym/Swimming pool?

Walkin the first day during working hours. Once you are registered you are good.

  • What is the class size?

The 2018 CS class size ~45 matriculated out of ~850 that applied. The admit ratio is same for the CE program.

  • What happens on the first day of school?

A modest welcoming from the grad's office, and a bunch of trainings to do with sexual harassment, International students, TA training etc.


Some of the information in this page is my individual opinion that could even be based on my restricted experience. Talk to few other sources before making important decisions.

About the Author

My name is Shresta. I am Masters in Computer Science grad who joined in Fall’18. I will be graduating most likely in Dec. 2019. Reach out to me at https://www.linkedin.com/in/shrestabs/ for further queries.