
Collinearity Algorithm for exterior orientation

Primary LanguagePython

How to use the program

This program can run on any Windows and Linux operating system  with Python3 installed.
Python3 must have the numpy module installed.

Steps to run:
1. Prepare the points.json file:
This file will contain the GCP information. At least 3 are required. More points will qualify for
least aquared solution. A sample of the file is attached in the mail.

2. Prepare the Camera Parameters file:
This file (cameraParameters.json) will contain the focal legth of the camera and the pricipal point location on the image.
 A sample of this file is attached in the mail.

3. On a linux terminal type the following command:
python3 main.py > report.txt
This will run the main.py program. This program will automatically read the points.json and cameraParameters.json files.
After calculations. It will give the output in the report.txt file