SQL Editor - Frontend Engineering Assignment

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 9 37 38 AM


SQL Query Execution

The application provides a text area where you can input your desired SQL query. After entering the query, simply click the "Run SQL" button to initiate its execution. The query results will be displayed below the query input area in a tabulated format.

Data Import and Export

You can import queries from your local storage to streamline your workflow. Once you've executed a query and obtained the results, an "Export" button becomes available. This feature enables you to download the query results in CSV format for easy accessibility and analysis.

Entity-Relationship Schema

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the data's structure, the application includes an Entity-Relationship Schema on the left side of the interface. This schema visually represents relationships and structures within the dataset, helping you navigate the data more effectively.

Sample Data Outputs

The application incorporates a dropdown menu that lists sample queries. Upon selecting and executing any of these queries, the application generates and presents sample data outputs from the associated JSON file. This feature allows you to explore various query scenarios and their corresponding outputs.

Semicolon Warning and Error Handling

The application offers user-friendly error handling by providing a semicolon warning when a query is missing a semicolon at the end. Additionally, if a query encounters an error during execution, appropriate error messages are displayed to assist with troubleshooting.

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 10 05 27 AM

Technology Stack

  • React

  • React-CSV library

Live Demo


Performance Optimizations

  • React.memo()
  • Context API
  • useMemo()
  • Lazy Loading

Measuring Performance

Web Vitals Extension Data

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 9 32 04 AM

Lighthouse Reports

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 9 30 59 AM
  • As asked to render a large amount of rows in the application without breaking the browser, or without crashing it. I think i have achieved the solution to the challenge of rendering a substantial number of rows in the application by integrating pagination and scrolling options into the table components, ensuring smooth performance.