
A MERN-based virtual collaborative learning web app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Codefury 4.0

PathShala is a virtual learning app in which students having similar interests can connect with each other.
PathShala uses an AI based recommendation system to give recommendation to the students for joining groups according to their interests,strength and Weaknesess.

This app is developed under 24 hours for a submission in CodeFury 4.0
PS : Winner 🏆 at Codefury 4.0 under Web dev theme

Tech Stack

Client: React

Server: Node , Express , Socket.io , WebRTC

DataBase: MongoDB

Other Dependies:

"@dhaiwat10/react-link-preview" ,
 "bycrypt.js" , 
 "connect-multiparty" , 
 "content-base-recommender" , 
 "uuid" ,

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/shreyabiradar07/Pathshala.git

Go to the project directory

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  node server.js
  cd pathshala

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the client server

  npm start


App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot
