
elastic CLI for unix mac

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


elastic CLI for unix mac

To Run

Download from Releases( github ) and run using elasty -c ./config/app.toml <command>

Config File

See config/app.toml , the config file has all the comments


Build assumes you have goimports in your system. If not install with go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports

use make to build for your system.

To test config file after the build

./_release/elasty -c ./config/app.toml chkconfig

Feed Messages in Elasticsearch from RabbitMq

run elasty rmq2es to start rabbitMq consumer

Rabbitmq Ping

There might be situations where rabbitMq demands ping, whether due to haproxy LB in fornt of rabbitmq cluster or due to flaky network. Elasty pings rabbitmq by creating and closing a channel.

Bulk insert routine

Requests from RabbitMq are pulled and flushed when :

  • The max size of bulk query ( 10Mb default ) is reached either with a single message or multiple.
  • Max timeout is reached for a message. This will lead to a flush of whatever we have.
  • Max documents limit is reached : is calculated by number of rows / 2 taking an average that insert, update requests are 2 liners whereas delete is 1 liner.

Dry Run

Use -d / --dry-run flag to read messages from RabbitMq and print the HTTP statements which should be executed in ES

elasty rmq2es --dry-run

Helpful Links

upstart script

Place the binary elasty_linux_amd64 in /root/elasty folder. And place the below script in /etc/init folder by the name of elasty.conf

description "elasty rabbitmq ingest Upstart script"
author "Shrey Agarwal"

start on (net-device-up
          and local-filesystems
          and runlevel [2345])
stop on runlevel [!2345]

env DAEMON=/usr/bin/elasty
env PID=/var/run/elasty.pid

respawn limit 5 100

    echo $$ > /var/run/elasty.pid
    exec $DAEMON rmq2es >> /var/log/elasty/elasty-service.log

end script

pre-start script
    echo "[`date`] Starting elasty" >> /var/log/elasty/elasty-service.log
end script

pre-stop script
    rm /var/run/elasty.pid
    echo "[`date`] Stopping elasty" >> /var/log/elasty/elasty-service.log
end script

#ToDo / Known Bugs

  • CLI

    • url to support multiple urls of ES cluster later
    • Threadpool check. Poper format
    • Single Level check on ES , as what all the problems can be
    • Ncurses type tool to give all info
    • replica change of index
    • shard allocation ON/off
    • term tool to edit Config ... Options and values
    • Query Help : Hits, time taken, etc.
  • Insert bulk data in ES

    • Error handling : In case of ANY ES error do not HIT Nack, but fail that message Or retry x times, put in the end of Queue yourself after some time. Policy to be framed and decided
    • Buffer Data before pushing : Flush the data and Ack the messages
      • Flush Data based on document count
      • Flush Data in Size
      • Flush Data based on Time
    • Schema chek in case of bulk insert. helps in indentifying errors
    • Force Flush on signal receive
    • Check Threadpool before eash insert if all is OK
  • Distribution

    • Create brew
    • Daemonize and Deb package
      • Write logs to files
      • Handle USR1 to re-open logs
      • Have nginx type start-stop daemon and signal handling CLI