
Track daily scrum tasks, and send out timely summary.

Primary LanguageRuby


* git clone 
* cd scrum-buddy
* install gcc rubygems ruby-devel ruby-sqlite3 sqlite-devel
* install bundler
* bundle install
* Edit config/config.yml with the correct email
* Edit db/seeds.rb with team details
* bundle exec rake db:migrate
* bundle exec rake db:seed
* crontab -e and copy the contents of scrumbuddy.cron, (make sure to edit path/to/scrumbuddy)
* [sudo ]rails server -b <ip> [-p <port>]

For Production setup

* RAILS_ENV=production before bundle exec
* crontab -e : Replace development with production 
Feel free to change or remove this file, it is informational only.

Repo layout
tmp/ - Temporary storage
public/ - Content (images, css, etc. available to the public)
config.ru - This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application.
../data - For persistent data
.openshift/action_hooks/pre_build - Script that gets run every git push before the build
.openshift/action_hooks/build - Script that gets run every git push as part of the build process (on the CI system if available)
.openshift/action_hooks/deploy - Script that gets run every git push after build but before the app is restarted
.openshift/action_hooks/post_deploy - Script that gets run every git push after the app is restarted

Ruby Mirror
OpenShift is mirroring rubygems.org at http://mirror1.prod.rhcloud.com/mirror/ruby/
This mirror is on the same network as your application, and your gem download should be faster.
To use the OpenShift mirror: 

Edit your Gemfile and replace
  source 'http://rubygems.org'
  source 'http://mirror1.prod.rhcloud.com/mirror/ruby/'

Edit your Gemfile.lock and replace
  remote: http://rubygems.org/
  remote: http://mirror1.prod.rhcloud.com/mirror/ruby/

Environment Variables

OpenShift Express provides several environment variables to reference for ease
of use.  The following list are some common variables but far from exhaustive:

    ENV['OPENSHIFT_GEAR_NAME']  - Application name
    ENV['OPENSHIFT_GEAR_DIR']   - Application dir
    ENV['OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR']  - For persistent storage (between pushes)
    ENV['OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR']   - Temp storage (unmodified files deleted after 10 days)

When embedding a database using 'rhc app cartridge add', you can reference environment
variables for username, host and password:

    ENV['OPENSHIFT_DB_HOST']      - DB host
    ENV['OPENSHIFT_DB_PORT']      - DB Port

To get a full list of environment variables, simply add a line in your
.openshift/action_hooks/build script that says "export" and push.

Notes about layout
Every time you push, everything in your remote application path gets recreated
please store long term items (like an sqlite database) in ../data which will
persist between pushes of your repo.

Rails 3.0

Option 1) (Recommended) Git push your application Gemfile/Gemfile.lock.  This will 
cause the remote OpenShift node to run bundle install --deployment to download and 
install your dependencies.  Each subsequent git push will use the previously 
downloaded dependencies as a starting point, so additional downloads will be a delta.

Option 2) Git add your .bundle and vendor/bundle directories after running 
'bundle install --deployment' locally.  Be sure to exclude any gems that have native 
code or ensure they can run on RHEL x86_64.