Project: Build a Docker Jenkins Pipeline to Implement CI/CD Workflow
Demonstrate the continuous integration and delivery by building a Docker Jenkins Pipeline. Objective:
Solution build should demonstrate below capabilities:
• Availability of the application and its versions in the GitHub
• Track their versions every time a code is committed to the repository
• Create a Docker Jenkins Pipeline that will create a Docker image from the Dockerfile and host it on Docker Hub
• It should also pull the Docker image and run it as a Docker container
• Build the Docker Jenkins Pipeline to demonstrate the continuous integration and continuous delivery workflow
is to deliver the software product frequently to the production with high-end quality. Project goal
Docker, Docker Hub, GitHub, Git, Linux (Ubuntu), Jenkins Tools required:
Jenkins pipeline with stages as shown below, demonstrating the Springboot application build and deployment process automated with Docker and Jenkins with 'Pipeline as a Code' approach Project Expected Result:
[pipeline output image](
Click [here]( Project Documentation to access the project documentation I have created to submit for my DevOps PG certification program requirements
1) On a Linux (ubantu) machine, we are installing and configuring jenkins server. Solution overview:
2) In the jenkins server we are creating the pipeline based project (with the Jenkinsfile available in this repo as source)
3) First Stage in the pipeline is to pull the latest springboot application (index.html) changes from SCM (Git-Hub) 4) Next stage in the pipeline is to create a build using maven tool and the pom.xml file available in the code repository
5) Next stage in the pipeline will create docker image based on the standard java container with our jar executable created as a result of the build process in the previous step (Dockerfile available in the repo is responsible to create this image)
6) Next stage in the pipleline will push the lastest doker image created in the previous stage to the Docker Hub (remote image repository)
7) Next stage in the pipeline will remove any existing containers of our application
8) Next stage in the pipeline will start new container with the latest image (including our latest changes of springboot application) pulled from docker hub
9) Next stage in the pipeline will remove any old images in our linux machine
Mandatory changes to be made in Jenkinsfile when you want to use this project
Its mandatory to change the Docker Hub Account ID after this Repo is forked/cloned by an other person
def dockerhubaccountid = "vikidvg" -
To push image to remote repository , in your jenkins server you have to create the global credentials similar to the 'dockerHub' (credential ID)
docker.withRegistry('', 'dockerHub') { dockerImage.push("${env.BUILD_NUMBER}") dockerImage.push("latest") }
Update your Forked/cloned Repo URL in the stage('Clone Repo')