APP.PUSH is an application built with react native and firebase technology .This app is mainly focused on the interns who were trying to apply for the intership programs.We are building a platform that will help the candidates to find all the available domains in a single application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PushIT (the way to push yourself into IT sector)

Information about dir

The folder ConfirmScreen inside the screen diretory is not used in the project We use reset password by email link method Dont include Social sign in

All image that are used for this project are under /assets folder and assets/images folder All the components [customButtons,customForms,customBlocks,customInputs] are placed inside src/components All the Screens are placed under /src/Screens All navigation functions are called under /src/navigation/index.js file App.js is the entry point of the project

please create an firebase account and paste the configurations under the /firebaseConfig.js file located in the root folder


To run this app make sure node 18.16.0 or higher version is installed

$ node --version

if not install node js in your local computer using this link https://nodejs.org/en/download/current

check the following requirements are satisfied or not before going to the next step: Requirements

To use Expo, you need to have the following tools installed on your machine:

Node.js LTS release - Only Node.js LTS releases (even-numbered) are recommended.

As Node.js officially states, "Production applications should only use Active LTS or Maintenance LTS releases". You can install Node.js using a version management tool (such as nvm or volta or any other of your choice) to switch between different Node.js versions.
Git for source control.
Watchman (for Linux or macOS users).

Now install all the required dependencies

$ npm install

to run the application run this command on the terminal

$ npx expo start

Once you complerte these steps go to the playstore with your android phone and install the Expo Cli application And scan the code using that application

Congratulations ... App is running... This application is built using

1.React-Native expo
2.Firebase authentication
3.Firebase data-store


This application built with only basic validations. Advance features and validations will be updated in the future.


If you want to add any features to this application feel free to add new things,feel free to contact me for any clearifications about the code base