
Setup to push ruby on rails apps on heroku using a postgresql database

Primary LanguageRuby

The following is a sample ruby on rails application deployed on Heroku with a postgresql database on the backend. Steps involved in creating this application:

rails new rails_heroku -d postgresql -c tailwind

This creates a new rails application with postgresql for the backend, and tailwind CSS for the frontend UI. Enter the directory using:

cd rails_heroku/
bundle install
bundle lock --add-platform x86_64-linux

Migrate the database using:

bin/rails db:migrate

After this, setup the database:

rails db:setup

Create a scaffold to test if the database is running on the backend:

rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string

Git add and commit the repository. Initiate heroku and then create an heroku app using:

heroku creare app-name

Add the postgresql add-on to the heroku database. Check if the postgresql add-on is working using:

heroku apps:info

After this, migrate the db to the postgresql database provided by heroku:

heroku run rake db:migrate -a rails-heroku

After all these steps, push the application to heroku:

git push heroku main

To try out the console on the heroku postgresQL server:

 heroku run rails console -a your-app-name

For Tailwind to be rendered properly locally, enter:

rails assets:precompile