Voting System - A Solana Dapp with Node.js and React frontend


This project is a comprehensive voting system built on the Solana blockchain, utilizing Rust for smart contract development, Node.js for the backend, and React.js for the frontend. It allows users to create voting topics, cast votes, and view vote counts.

Getting Started

To run this example you will need to install:

Once you've completed the installation run the following commands to configure your machine for local development:

solana-keygen new
solana config set --url localhost
solana config set -k ~/.config/solana/id.json

These two commands create Solana config files in ~/.config/solana/ which solana command line tools will read in to determine what cluster to connect to and what keypair to use. Having done that run a local Solana validator by running:


Building and Testing Solana Program

Check for the anchor version by running

anchor-cli 0.29.0

To build the Solana program we need to run

anchor build

Test the Solana program by running

npm install

anchor test

Deploying and Interacting With Solana Program

Deploy your program by running

solana program deploy target/deploy/

Install node dependency

cd  app
npm install

Open a new terminal and start the backend service

node backend/server.js

In another terminal start the frontend service

npm start

Now we can open http://localhost:3000 to interact with Solana program

Home Page home page

Create Vote Topic Create Vote

Cast Vote Cast Vote

View Votes View Votes

Votes Result View Votes