
Generate dynamic GSSoC badges to showcase your achievements and contribution levels on your GitHub profile.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GSSoC Dynamic Badges

Display your GSSoC (GirlScript Summer of Code) achievements and contribution level directly on your GitHub profile with dynamically generated badges!


✨ Features

  • Real-Time Updates: Badges are updated with live leaderboard data from GSSoC, reflecting your current progress.
  • Milestone-Based Badges: Unlock badges based on your score, each representing a new achievement level.
  • Customizable for Profile: Show your badge on your GitHub profile in a way that’s easy to set up.

🚀 How to Use

Step 1: Get Your Badge URL

Replace <username> with your GitHub username and <year> with the GSSoC year (e.g., 2024Extd) in the URL below:


Step 2: Embed the Badge in Your GitHub Profile

Add the generated badge to your GitHub profile using Markdown. Here’s how:




Optional: Make the Badge Redirect to GSSoC's Website

To link the badge to the GSSoC website or leaderboard, wrap the Markdown in a link:


🛠️ Contributing

Want to enhance the badge generator or add more features? Feel free to fork the repository, make improvements, and submit a pull request!
