TCS Previously Asked Coding Question Answers
- Factorial of a number
- Area of a circle
- Leap year or not
- GCD of two number
- Check whether a given number is a prime number or not
- Print all prime numbers in a given range
- Check whether a given number is a Strong number or not
- Chcek whether a number is a Palindrome or not
- Check whether a string is a Palindrome or not
- Check whether a given number is an Armstrong number or not
- Print all Armstrong numbers between two intervals
- Fibonacci series generation upto N terms
- Binary to decimal conversion
- Decimal to binary conversion
- Decimal to octal conversion
- Octal to decimal conversion
- Binary to octal conversion
- Octal to binary conversion
- Sum of all prime numbers within a range
- Reversing a given number
- Reverse a string
- Pyramid pattern using stars
- Pyramid pattern using numbers
- Second smallest element in an array
- Remove duplicate elements in an array