Sample datasets for teaching

Shapefile: NepalAid

Data information

Observations = 75 districts

Variables = 26. One cross-section based on data for years between 1991 and 2013

  • DepEcProv: Deprivation in economic provisioning
  • PovIndex: Human Poverty Index
  • PCInc: Per Capita Income
  • PCIncPPP: Per Capita Income PPP
  • PCIncMP: Per capita income, Rs. at market price
  • MalKids: Percentage of children under age five who are malnourished
  • Lif40: Percentage of People not expected to survive age 40
  • NoSafH20: Percentage without safe water
  • Population: Population
  • BoyG1_5: Number of Boys Enrolled in Grade 1-5 (2012-2013)
  • GirlG1_5: Number of Girls Enrolled in Grade 1-5 (2012-2013)
  • KIDS1_5: Number of Children Enrolled in Grade 1-5 (2012-2013)
  • SchoolCnt: Number of Schools (2012-2013)
  • SCHLPKID: Number of Schools per child (in thousands) (2012-2013)
  • SCHLPPOP: Number of Schools per population (in thousands) (2012-2013)
  • AD_ILLIT: Adult illiteracy rate (2011)
  • AD_ILGT50: Dummy variable with value of 1 if adult illiteracy rate >50% (2011)
  • VotNum: Number of Voters (lunar years 2047-2063, approx. 1991 to 2006)
  • TotEcFMS: Total economy including financial intermediation service indirectly measured (total value added)
  • XXCAmt: Project Sector Committed Amount: XX = sector (see above) Project Data from AidData Aggregated to District
  • XXDAmt: Project Sector Distributed Amount: XX = sector: Agriculture, Business Banking, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Budget Support + Finance, Education, Energy, Environment, Forestry, Gov + Civil Society, Health, Humanitarian Aid, Industry, Multi-Sector, Social Infrastructure, Tourism, Transport + Storage, Water Sanitation, Total


Download link:

Shapefile: Turkey 67 provinces

  • File name and extension:


  • growth: growth rate of per capita real income 1987-2001
  • base: lograrithm of the per apita income in the base year 1987
  • T: average terrorism index
  • E: average years of schooling
  • G: real per capita government expenditures in 1987
  • Coastal: dummy variable which takes the value of one if the province is a coastal province.


  • Öcal, N., & Yildirim, J. (2010). Regional effects of terrorism on economic growth in Turkey: A geographically weighted regression approach. Journal of Peace Research, 47(4), 477-489.

  • Matthew C. Ingram

Download Link:


  • Cole, M. A., & Neumayer, E. (2003). The pitfalls of convergence analysis: is the income gap really widening?. Applied Economics Letters, 10(6), 355-357.

df <- read_csv("")


From Magrini, S. (2007). Analysing convergence through the distribution dynamics approach: why and how?

  • The first series was obtained by drawing a random sample of 1000 observations from a univariate normal distribution
  • The second series was instead produced by merging and appropriately sorting two random samples of 500 observations
    • These two samples, again drawn from a univariate normal distribution, differed in their means

World Productivity Database 2017: Fernandez-Arias-2017-Database.csv

Fernandez_Arias_2017_Database <- read_csv("")

World Income Database: ps2009.csv

Download code for R

ps2009 <- read_csv("")

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Download code for R

weil <- read_csv("")

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Dani Rodrik Version

Dataset from his famous paper

  • McMillan, M. S., & Rodrik, D. (2011). Globalization, structural change and productivity growth (No. w17143). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Stata file names

  • Rodrik-dataset-decomposition-1990-2005.dta
  • Rodrik-industres-Employment-VA.dta