(CodePipeline Helper) is a CLI tool written in Go, and designed to make interacting with AWS CodePipeline a little bit easier.
# List pipelines using a search term
cph list --name pipeline_name
# Run pipelines using a search term
cph run --name pipeline_name
## Approve pipelines using a search term
cph approve --name pipeline_name
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/shreyasrama/cph.git
Change directories:
cd cph
Build a binary:
go build -mod=mod -o bin/cph main.go
Move to PATH:
sudo mv bin/cph /usr/local/bin
Test it out:
Task (https://taskfile.dev/) is a simple build tool used to help automate some tasks with cph
Proper error handling everywhere (clean up os.exits too)done
Refactor list.go to use awsutil functionsdone
Accept selection of multiple pipelinesdone
- Testing framework
- Sorting out function and variable case
- Several more functions (not in order of importance):
get approvals and multi approvedone
, detailed view of a single pipeline Setting up releases in Github and releasing via Taskfiledone
Use https://github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter instead of tabwriterdone
- Investigate if there are useful GH Actions that can be added for CI
- Add search by tag