
This is a covid and vaccine availability tracker website which is made by me and my team mate Sumeet Yadav, for a hackathon (HackON 2.0).

Languages and Libraries we used:

1.) HTML5
2.) CSS3
3.) JavaScript
4.) Chart.JS

How to use:

1.) Search for a city and then hit enter, and the website will fetch the data for you.
2.) User will see a state wise covid report of active cases on the left side of the screen.
3.) User will be able to plot a line graph for max 31 days, of active, recovered and deceased patients.
4.) When user click on vaccine slots, he/she will be redirected to another page where he/she can input the state and the city from the drop down and select date to check the availability and then click on search to fetch the results.
5.) Every time you want to fetch a city, you need to refresh the page.


Covid Tracker:


Vaccine Availability tracker:
