
This repository would be a kart for all the projects based on machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing and all. Show your support by ✨ this repository.

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This kart showcases the finest collection of all projects based on machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing and everything. Indulge in this journey of open source.

The main aim is to provide an efficient and beginner-friendly projects that would help you in mastering the ML/AI algorithms and make you familiar. Turn yourself into pro with all the hands-on that got you covered.

🙌Join Here

Anyone related to technology who are looking to contribute to open-source, are all invited to hop in. This place has task for everyone.

| Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Natural Language Processing | Computer Vision | FrontEnd Designers | BackEnd Developers | UI/UX Designers |

Data Analysts - Frame the problem. Get, explore and prepare the data

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing Enthusiasts - Try different algorithms, build model, optimize the model

Front End Designers – Design or code the webpage designed by designers

Back End Developers – Create backend for the model using Flask or Django

UI/UX Designers – Design dashboards, forms and webpages for the model

If you had worked on or want to initiate a unique project and want to share it with the world, you can do that through here. Go through the contributing guidelines in CONTRIBUTING👩‍💻

When issue is raised from your end (or) taken it from issues tab to add a project, elaborate as much as you could and as well notify us about the task you will be working, that might be Model Creation (or) Data Analysis (or) Front End (or) Back End (or) UI/UX Design.

Subsequently, also go through the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.

🛠Templates to Follow

Note : One should follow these templates while creating a new issue or pull request. Else, 'LGM-SOC' label won't be assigned neither your contributions would count. This is to ensure that we know you as a 'LGM-SOC' participant. If you had taken up the issue, that's already in the "Issues" tab. You should mention yourself as 'LGM-SOC' participant.

📝Project Structure

Your projects should contain this flow to maintain similarity across all other projects. Make sure to note these things, before you create a PR.

Dataset - This folder would have a .csv file.

Model - This folder would have your project file (that is .ipynb file) be it analysis or prediction. Other than project file, it should also have a 'README.md' using this template and 'requirements.txt' file which would be enclosed with all needed add-ons and libraries that are included in the project

Images - This folder would have images added if applicable.

Front End - This folder would have files related to coding and designing the webpage.

Back End - This folder would have files regarding backend creation for the model using Flask and Django.

UI/UX - This folder would have files regarding dashboards, forms and webpages for the model.

Include README.md file for 'Front End', 'Back End' and 'UI/UX' in their respective folders and elaborate briefly about how it works by showing step by step procedure using screenshots.


  • Fork the repository

  • Clone your forked repository using terminal or gitbash.

  • Make changes to the cloned repository

  • Add, Commit and Push

  • Then in Github, in your cloned repository find the option to make a pull request

print("Start contributing for ML-ProjectKart")

⚙️Things to Note

  • Make sure you do not copy codes from external sources because that work will not be considered. Plagiarism is strictly not allowed.
  • You can only work on issues that have been assigned to you.
  • If you want to contribute the algorithm, it's preferrable that you create a new issue before making a PR and link your PR to that issue.
  • If you have modified/added code work, make sure the code compiles before submitting.
  • Strictly use snake_case (underscore_separated) in your file_name and push it in correct folder.
  • Do not update the README.md.

💡Look Through The Kart Of Amazing Projects

S.no Project Name Description
01. Advertisement Success Prediction In this project we will be working with an advertising data set, indicating whether or not a particular internet user clicked on an Advertisement.
02. Age, Gender and Ethnicity Prediction The goal of this project is to be able to predict the age , gender and ethnicity of a person just by looking at an image of a person.
03. Air Quality Prediction The goal of this project is to predict Air Quality Index (AQI ) form features as particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), Nitrogen Oxide (NO), Nitric Dioxide (NO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Ozone (O3) etc.
04. Animate Me It is a simple OpenCV project that converts inputs image to a cartoon equivalent
05. Bike Crash Analysis The goal of this project to analyze the dataset on various factors and depending on the various factors making of a prediction model which will predict the accident prone sights.
06. Bike Rental Demand Analysis The aim of the project is to make a forecast of the demand in Bike Rental Services. It predicts the upcoming nature of the customer request demand.
07. Bike Sharing Prediction The main goal of the project is to analyse the Bike Share Count in case of different seasons, weekdays, weathers, etc. and based on that train a model, to predict the number of bike users under a given circumstance.
08. Bitcoin Price Prediction The main purpose of this project is to predict the price of Bitcoin.
09. Board Game Review Prediction In this project, we have propose a method to build a deep-learning-based recommendation system using large-scale user data of an online community related to board games.
10. Brain Tumor Detection and Classification This project detects the presence of a brain tumor by processing MRI scans of the patient. If the presence of tumor is detected, it is then classified into ‘Glioma’, ‘Pituitary’ or ‘Meningioma’.
11. Breast Cancer Prediction The breast cancer prediction project helps in predicting whether the patient suffering from breast cancer is benign or malignant.
12. COVID19_Data-Analysis The goal is to predict what kind of resource an individual might require at the time of being tested positive or even before that will be of great help to the authorities as they would be able to procure and arrange for the resources necessary to save the life of that patient.
13. Campus Recruitment - Analysis and PredictionCampus Recruitment - Analysis and Prediction The goal of this project is to analyze the factors that can effect the Campus Recruitment, and also creating a model which will predict the chances of getting placed depending on various factors.
14. Car Brand Classification This project classifies the car brand using machine learning.
15. Car Prices Prediction The main goal is to predict the price of cars with the available independent variables
16. Cats Vs Dogs Classification The goal of this project is to classify whether the image is of a dog or a cat.
17. Churn Risk Score Prediction This project is used to predict the churn score for a website based on the related features
18. Colour Identification using Machine Learning This project defines us the colour we have asked to see instead of showing the color object.
19. Concrete Strength Prediction The aim of this project is to predict strength of the concrete from features as fly ash, blast furnamce slag, water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, cement, age etc.
20. Cotton Disease Prediction This project predicts the disease of cotton tree using Transfer Learning with Resnet152V2 model.
21. Covid-19 Data Analysis The goal of this project is to analyze the situation caused due to Covid-19 pandemic using data visualization.
22. Credit Card Fraud Detection The aim of the project is to predict fraudulent credit card transactions using machine learning models.
23. Crop Recommendation System The Goal of this project is to build the recommendation model using the crop recommendation dataset.
24. Crop Yield Prediction This dataset is focused on the different crops which can reflect the price area and other attributes from that one can predict for future price yield by using some better attributes.
25. Cryotherapy Analysis In this project we are going to analyze the cryotherapy dataset and will deploy several machine learning algorithm models.
26. Customer Region Classification The goal is to predict Customer Region using random forest classifier model.
27. DNA Sequencing Classification In this project, we will understand how to interpret a DNA structure and how machine learning algorithms can be used to build a prediction model on DNA sequence data.
28. Dance Form Classification The goal of this project is to classify the images of various dance forms and prepare a Classification model using Deep learning methods.
29. Dandelion Recognition The goal of this project is to create classification model which will identify the dandelion from the images given to the model.
30. Exploratory Data Analysis Of Meteorological Data It analyzes the meteorological weather data of the last 10yrs from 2006 to 2016 at Finland to check an increase of global warming.
31. Diabetes Prediction The goal is to predict if a person is having Diabetes or not using logistic regression and SVM models.
32. Disneyland Reviews Analysis The aim of this project is to analyse the reviews given by visitors from different countries of the world using NLP.
33. Dog Breed Identification This project is about predicting the breed of a dog, this can be helpful to people who are not expert in the field.
34. Dogecoin Price Prediction The goal of this project is to make a Prediction model which will predict the price of the Dogecoin in the future times depending on the previous parameters.
35. Email_Classification This project classify emails as spam or not-spam on the basis of the message.
36. Emoji Classification using OpenCV The Goal of this project is to make a model which will predict the emotion shown using the input image. And also it will classify the particular emotion shown in the given image.
37. Emotion Recognition using NLP An Intelligent Emotion Predictor which uses NLP technique by sending text input to determine whether data is positive, negative or neutral.
38. Employee Retention Project The project revolves around the idea to give basic modelling techniques used to classify if the employee will leave the company or not based on certain features in the datset.
39. Exports Classification The goal of this project is to build a classification model, using regression algorithms, such as, linear regression, random forest regression, decision tree regressor and many more algorithms.
40. Face Generation using DCGAN The main goal of this project is to get a generator network to generate new images of faces that look as realistic as possible using a DCGAN on a dataset of faces.
41. Face Mask Detection Using OpenCV This is a Face Mask Detection project that uses both Haar Cascades and Caffe framework approaches for face detection and a finetuned MobileNetV2 model to detect masks on face taking real time video stream as input.
42. Fake Currency Prediction The goal is to predict whether a given note is fake or not using machine learning models.
43. Fake News Detection The aim of the project is to detect whether the news is Real or Fake using different text extraction NLP techniques.
44. Fish Weight Prediction The main goal of this project to predict the weight of the any fish using linear regression model.
45. Flight Delay Prediction The main purpose of this project is to predict future delays in flights using machine learning models.
46. Flight Fare Prediction The aim of the project is to predict the fare of different Airlines covering different routes using machine learning models.
47. Flowers Recognition The goal of this project is to identify the flower name from an image uploaded by the user.
48. Football Match Prediction The goal of this project is to predict the match winner according to the prediction model.
49. Forest Cover Type Classification The main goal of this project to classify the cover type of forest with the dataset using Random Forest Classification model.
50. Fresher's Salary Prediction The Main Goal of this project to predict the salary of fresher students on the basis of subjects, degree_type, percentages etc.
51. Fuel Consumption Analysis The aim of this project is to predict the consumption depending on the gas type. It can be used to determine the effect of weather, speed or gas type on the car consumption.
52. Heart Disease Prediction This project predicts heart disease based on features like age, cholesterol level, blood sugar level etc.
53. Heights and Weights Prediction The goal of this project is to build the prediction model using the regression algorithms to predict height and weight.
54. Horses or Humans Classification The aim of this project is to create a model, able to classify the horses and humans.
55. Hotel Rating Prediction The goal of this project is to build the model for the Hotel Rating Prediction using nine Machine Learning Models.
56. House Prices Prediction This project predicts the prices of houses located in the cities of the US, with the help of essential features.
57. Human Activity Recognition using Smartphones The aim of this project is to build a model that predicts the human activities such as Walking, Walking_Upstairs, Walking_Downstairs, Sitting, Standing or Laying using data recorded by multiple smartphone sensors.
58. Iris Flower Classification The project is to classify the flowers among three 3 different types.
59. Ice-cream Revenue Prediction This is an icecream revenue prediction which predicts the daily revenue of icecreams depending on the temperature feature.
60. Image Compression Using Clustering This project helps in compressing the image using K-Means Clustering.
61. Imagenet classification ImageNet is an image database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy (currently only the nouns), in which each node of the hierarchy is depicted by hundreds and thousands of images.
62. Income Prediction Web App The Main Goal of this project to find out whether a person earn more than 50K dollar(>50K) and less than or equal to 50K dollar (<=50K) based on the given presonal information about person.
63. Insurance Claim Prediction The goal of this project is to classify insurance claim as 0 or 1 (if the policy holder will claim insurance or not) from features as age, number of children, BMI, residential region etc.
64. LEGO Minifigures This project contains the dataset of a lot of pictures of various LEGO Minifigures in different poses or with different environments for the image classification tasks.
65. License Plate Detection and Recognition This project is to detect and identify the license plates of a vehicles.
66. Loan Eligibility Prediction The main goal of the project is to predict the eligibility of a customer for getting a loan from the company
67. MBA Specialization Classification The goal of this project is to find out the MBA students who will be having good scores in their MBA career based on past activities using Classification algorithms.
68. Malaria Disease Detection The aim of this project is to recognize whether the image of the human cell is infected with Malaria disease or not.
69. Medical Cost Analysis for Smokers and Non-smokers This project consists of the fact that the average medicine charges can be changed for the smokers and non-smokers.
70. Mobile Price Range Classification In this project we do not have to predict actual price but a price range indicating how high the price is.
71. Movie Oscar Win Prediction The goal of this project is to make a prediction model, which will predict the chances of winning the Oscar award.
72. Movie Recommendation System This project will help one to recommend the movies , will provide the movies names.
73. Mushroom Classification This project is all about deploying classification algorithms and comparing the models.
74. NASA Asteroids Classification This project helps in classifying the NASA Asteroids and checks for features responsible for claiming whether the asteroid is hazardous.
75. Natural Images Classification The goal of this project is to build the Classification Model for natural images using the Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
76. Parkinson's Disease Prediction This project helps in finding the reasons for parkinson's disease and who are predicted to have this disease.
77. Phishing Website Detection The goal of this project is to make a detection model which will detect the phishing websites depending on various factors, using machine learning algorithms.
78. Plant Seedlings Classification The goal of this project is to build the plant seedlings classification model. The architectures used here are, ResNet, AlexNet, Vgg, Inception, MobileNet, SqueezeNet, DenseNet to deploy the classification model.
79. Productivity Prediction It is highly desirable among the decision makers in the garments industry to track, analyse and predict the productivity performance of the working teams in their factories.
80. Rain Prediction RainTomorrow is the target variable to predict on the basis of some given Features.
81. Restaurant Recommendation System The goal of this project is to make a Recommendation System which will recommend the users the best restaurant that they are looking for.
82. Resume Categorizing The goal of this project is to build the model for the Resume Categorizing using eight Machine Learning Models
83. Road Lane Detection This project is the model for the road lane detection, which will detect the road lane from an image which will be user given.
84. Salary Prediction The goal of this project is to predict the salary based on some parameters.
85. Salary Range Classification The goal of this project is to classify salary range from features as company, job, degree etc.
86. Sarcasm Detection The Goal of this project is to detect Sarcasm from news headlines data set using classification algorithms and compare the algorithms to find out which one is better.
87. Sign Language Prediction The sign language prediction project helps in identifying the sign language from images provided.
88. Solar Eclipse Classification The aim of this project is to classify among the main types of Solar eclipses, which are : P = Partial Eclipse, A = Annular Eclipse, T = Total Eclipse, H = Hybrid or Annular/Total Eclipse.
89. Song Genre Classification The Goal of this project is to build the song genre classification model using the Spotify dataset.
90. Spam Email Detection This project predicts whether the received message is spam or ham.
91. Speech Emotion Recognition The goal is to predict the emotion of human while talking.
92. Stars, Galaxies and Quasars Classification The goal of this project is to make a perfect classification model according to the data collected on stars, galaxies and quasars.
93. Startup Profit Prediction The goal is to predict Profit of the Startups. The dataset contains data about 50 startups. It has 5 columns: “R&D Spend”, “Administration”, “Marketing Spend”, “State”, “Profit”.
94. Stock Price Prediction The goal is to predict the price of stocks in future and make calls according to the results algorithms provide.
95. Stress Level Prediction The goal of this project is to predict stress level from features taken from the survey responses.
96. Stroke Prediction The goal of this project is to predict the rate of stroke of a person.
97. Student Performance Prediction The goal of this project is to predict final grade of the student from features as study time, failures, free time, absenses, health status, going out,first period grade, second period grade etc.
98. Tetris Object Counter The goal of the project is to identify all the tetris objects (tetrominoes) in the given tetris input image and return the count. It is seen that during gameplay the tetris blocks are broken and this program should be able to identify such blocks too.
99. Titanic Survival Prediction Use machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.
100. Traffic Sign Classification The goal of this project is to make human readable traffic sign classification.
101. Twitter Sentiment Analysis This project helps in analyzing the sentiment using the text data posted on twitter to check it by classifying the statements as positive, negative or neutral.
102. U.S. Weather History Visualizations The goal is to analyse the 12 months data of US weather history and find the conclusion and display them via graphs.
103. USA House Pricing Prediction The goal of this project is to make a prediction model, which will predict the price of the houses at USA, depending on the given features.
104. Uber Fare Prediction This project helps in predicting the fare to be charged for the Uber travelling person.
105. Water Quality Prediction This project indicates if water is safe for human consumption where 1 means Potable and 0 means Not potable.
106. Wine Quality Prediction This model predicts the quality of wine based on some features like pH, fixed acidity, citric acid etc. using SVM and Random forest algorithm.
107. Zoo-Animal-Classification The goal of this project is to predict the zoo animal based on some classifications using machine learning model.

👍OpenSource Program

This project is a part of these open source programs.

🙌Levels & Points (LGMSOC)

Level Points
Level 0 5
Level 1 10
Level 2 15
Level 3 30
Level 4 45

You can check out your points scored here : LGMSOC_SCORECARD
Point to Note : It will be updated once in 2 days.

✨Hall Of Fame

Thanks goes to these Wonderful People. Contributions of any kind are welcome!🚀

📜Code Of Conduct

You can find our Code of Conduct here.


This project follows the Mozilla Public License 2.0.


Manasi Chhibber

Tanweerul Haque

Shreya Singh

🙂Project Admin

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© 2021 Prathima Kadari

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