
Patient care management system dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cura is a web and mobile platform to improve patient care for both patients, caregivers and their families.

#In this repository

  • Cura front web and mobile front end
  • Cura API server
  • Dependencies and Installation
  • Troubleshooting




To build and run this project, there are a number of dependencies that you need to have working.

  • node.js - Javascript platform for building applications
  • ionic - Cross platform hybrid mobile app framework
  • Django - Python web framework

In order to test on a mobile device instead of a simulator, you must also ensure you have the corect compilation tools installed for your platform (iOS / Android) and code signing permissions.


To edit this project, you should be familiar with the following:

  • Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS
  • iOS SDK - awesome web-based text editor
  • Android SDK - awesome web-based text editor
  • ionic - awesome web-based text editor
  • angular.js - awesome web-based text editor
  • cordova - awesome web-based text editor
  • Django - awesome web-based text editor


You will need to have node.js and npm installed. Use the node package manager ito install cordova and ionic globally.

$ npm install -g cordova ionic

If you're developing server (Django), you'll need virtualenv to create virtual enviornment for python packages managed with pip. make sure you activate environment when developing.

$ virtualenv curaEnv
$ cd curaEnv
$ source bin/activate
(curaEnv)$ git clone git@github.com:shrimalmadhur/Cura.git
(curaEnv)$ pip install -r Cura/server/requirement.txt

Ensure you set up your keys with Github and have access to the repository. Browse to your working directory and clone the repo.

$ git clone git@github.com:shrimalmadhur/Cura.git
$ cd Cura/cura
$ ls
cura  server  .  ..

The /cura directory contains the ionic project for the application. To test the front end on your web browser run

$ ionic serve

You can also emulate the app on a device emulator or run it on your device itself.

$ ionic emulate ios
$ ionic emulate android

Will open the iOS emulator and android emulatos and run the application.

$ ionic run <platform>

Will run the application on your selected platform. To see a list of everything you an do with ionic, just type

$ ionic


The API server uses Django. It will commuincate with the platform infrastructure to fetch data to populate the frontend. This data will be accessible through an REST API.