OpenAI Telegram bot responder
Very simple implementation of a private bot that responds to short chat messages. Almost non-existent context awareness
Using docker-compose
Copy matvey-template to matvey.yml, adjust accordingly, copy example docker-compose template and adjust env vars:
cp matvey-template-v2.yml matvey.yml
cp docker-compose-template.yml docker-compose.yml
(edit both files)
docker compose up
quickstart quide
0. Install packages
pip install openai pyyaml
pip install -U --pre aiogram
this tested with python3.10, but should work with python3.9 as well. Also make sure you use aiogram version 3 (~ tested on aiogram==3.0.0b7)
1. Set environmental variables
var | example | meaning |
'sk-HS1777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771' |
openapi key |
'667778888:AAHmHmHmHmHmHmAAAAAAAAAAAHmHmHmHmHm' |
bot token, get one from BotFather |
/etc/matvey.yml |
take matvey-template.yml as example |
2. Run the actual script
python src/
3. Add bot to groups, and send messages
First message needs to be tagged. Responses are handled automatically. Messages with length of 1 are discarded
Don't know the group id? Launch the script, add the bot to the chat and issue a /blerb
command to see chat id info in the logs.