
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


What is Bridge?

Bridge is a front-end library provide developer friendly protocol for cross domain (e.g iframe) communications.


npm i fesoa-bridge


yarn add fesoa-bridge

How it works?

See example folder for full working sample

  • For detail instruction on how to run the example, scroll to the bottom of the README

1. Load content from another domain into an iframe

  const iframeElement: HTMLIFrameElement = document.createElement("iframe");
  iframeElement.src = /* url to download content */;
  iframeElement.width = "100%";
  iframeElement.height = "100%";

2. setup communication channel

iframeElement.onload = async (event: Event) => {
    await setupHost("IFRAME", iframeElement.contentWindow as Environment);

async function setupHost(name: string, client: Environment, clientOrigin: string) {
    const host = new Host(window, client, clientOrigin);

    // register any API that other side can call
    host.registerResolver(new HostSampleResolver());

    await host.setup();

3. client setup

  const client = new Client(window);

  // register any API that other side can call
  client.registerResolver(new ClientSampleResolver());

  await client.setup();

Communication protocol

Two way communication

const response = await host.invokeResolver<string>("ClientSampleResolver", "echo", { message: "message from host" });

// or

const response = await client.invokeResolver<string>("HostSampleResolver", "echo", { message: "message from client" });
// API implementation

class HostSampleResolver implements IResolver {
  public name: string = "HostSampleResolver";

  public echo(inputs: { message: string }, from: string): Promise<any> {
    return new Promise((resolver) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        resolver({ data: `echo from host: ${inputs.message}` });
      }, 500);

class ClientSampleResolver implements IResolver {
  public name: string = "ClientSampleResolver";

  public echo(inputs: { message: string }, from: string): Promise<any> {
    return new Promise((resolver) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        resolver({ data: `echo from client (${window.origin}): ${inputs.message}` });
      }, 500);

One way broadcast

client.broadcastEvent("client-event", "Diamond Hands!");


host.broadcastEvent(`[${name}] host-event`, "YOLO");
  // subscribe to broadcast event

  host.subscribe("client-event", (inputs: any) => {
    console.log(`[${name}] Host - sub ===>`, inputs);

  client.subscribe("host-event", (inputs: any) => {
    console.log("Client - sub ===>", inputs);

How to run the example

  • Open two terminal and cd into bridge/example/client and bridge/example/host
  • yarn install on both folder
  • Ensure you install browser plugin that enabled CORS request for your browser (In real world you will configure your server to allow request from another domain)
  • yarn start on both terminal
  • You should see something like below from the Host app
