
Simple URL shortener Laravel application (coding challenge from Hussle)

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel URL Shortener

A simple URL shortener. A user provides a location, we generate a unique key and provide a URL containing the key which redirects to the location. A user can view statistics covering the usage of their short URL.


Requires PHP 7.3. Download project (as a zip, or via git clone) then run:

$ composer launch

This process will install all dependencies, migrate the database, compile assets and launch the Laravel development server. Visit once launched.


There is a test suite covering (some) core functionality.

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


  • SQLite datastore



  • id integer
  • key string
  • location string
  • created_at timestamp
  • updated_at timestamp


  • link_id integer, foreign key on Link
  • visitor_hash string
  • created_at timestamp
  • updated_at timestamp


  • A user should be able to shorten a URL
  • A shortened URL should redirect to the target URL
  • A user should be able to see service statistics
  • A user should be able to see a shortened URL's visit statistics
  • Visit statistics should be tested for uniqueness based on IP address (without storing IP addresses)


  • Unique visits (all links, a link)
  • Total links created
  • Total visits
  • Total unique visits



  • Display global statistics about the service
  • Display a form that accepts a URL to shorten

Shorten URL Endpoint

  • Validate the URL
  • Generate a unique short key
  • Redirect to meta page for shortened URL

Shortened URL meta page

GET /~{key}
  • Display the shortened URL
  • Display click statistics

Shortened URL

GET /{key}
  • Create a visit with one-way hash of the visitors IP address
    • One-way hash should be unique to a single URL
  • Redirect to the shortened URL using a 302