Hi there 👋

I'm Greg aka Shrinkray

I've built and managed bespoke WordPress themes, migrated, and hosted many sites. Now gravitating into the seductive framework UI/UX realm. Over the recent years I've built sites and contributed to projects in NextJS, Sveltekit, Ghost, and experimented with headless CMS backends like WordPress, Forestry, Strapi, Storyblok and HyGraph. I love working in web performance and pushing sites to improve scoring in Lighthouse and WebPageTest.

I'm currently looking for work in UX Engineering.

Focused to learn ...

Astro, Sveltekit, React, Accessiblity, and Typescript (not in that order) through various exercies and building project sites, experimentation, and coursework

  • 🔭 I’m working on a new portfolio site, ShrinkrayLabs and a code exercises site called DevCharms both in AstroJS.
  • 🌱 I’m learning Practical Accessibility testing with screen readers
  • 👯 Let's work together to build an equitible web
  • 💬 Ask me about Frontend, Design Systems, and Accessibility Services

Github Stats ...

Language Stats ...

Connect with Me

Shrinkray's Codepen Account Shrinkray's Dev.to Account

Languages and Tools:

CSS3 JavaScript SCSS PHP WordPress Timber Astro Svelte Vercel Cloudflare Git Figma Sketch phpStorm Miro