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Source Code for my blog post: A Practical Introduction to Blockchain with Python
A Bank branch maintains a number of different types of safe lockers at some of its safe sites. At the request of its customer's bank issues a locker to a customer who has an account with the bank. A locker can be held jointly by two or more customers also. Bank charges yearly rent on the locker from the customer which is directly deducted from the account of the customer. For operating a locker, a customer can give a request through the website specifying the date and time of operation. The bank confirms the appointment and on the stipulated date and time allows the operation of the locker. Bank allows only a maximum of 12 free operations of the locker in a year, subsequently, it charges for the service from the customer. Bank also has a process for the allocation and cancellation of lockers. In general, as the number of lockers is limited, therefore, the bank maintains a queue of customer who has requested for the locker service. Study various requirements for such a system from an actual bank. Analyse the requirements in details and design & develop the online system
Collections of Question with solution that is most frequently asked in Interviews
Do you know a friend who works way too many hours in front of a computer? Here’s a solution: write a Python program that encourages them to take a break after every two hours of computer work.The program that will play their favorite song on YouTube after every two hours of work.