
A chrome extension to synchronize video players in realtime.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ViSync icon

A chrome extension to synchronize video players in realtime.

MIT License Icon

FeaturesInstallation & UsageCredits


  • Ability to create and connect to private rooms
  • Support for locating video players inside iframes (non-nested)
  • Automatic server connection upon opening the main page to reduce time spent while creating/joining rooms
    • (Inactivity on the main page will cause the client to disconnect after 30 seconds)

Installation & Usage

  • First, download the zip file containing the unpacked extension.
  • After unzipping the file, navigate to the page chrome://extensions and use the "Load unpacked" button to add the extension to your browser.
    • Please note: developer mode must be enabled for this method to work.
  • To connect to rooms, the active tab must contain a loaded video player. While ViSync listens for new iframes being created in the page, the main page will only show up once a source has been found.

If you find an issue, please create a new issue on this repository page to help further improve this project.


  • Special thanks to Aarya Patel for providing insightful knowledge regarding Chrome Manifest V3.