
Web app where people can post pictures with captions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Website where people can post pictures with captions.

This portal is built by our team during Webathon in General Championship 2022, IIT Bhubaneswar.


  • Sai Krishna Jupally
  • Shrirang Deshmukh
  • Yogesh Kumar Kansal

Tech Stack Used

  • NodeJs - Evented I/O for the backend
  • Express - Fast node.js network app framework
  • MongoDB - NoSQL Database
  • React.js - Javascript llibrary to build user frameworks.
  • GoogleOAuth - Open Authorization from Google
  • MaterialUI - React components based on Material Design, responsive web application for all screen sizes.


  • Auth using Google OAuth.
  • Explore posts of other users.
  • Follow and unfollow users.
  • Post multiple images with captions and hastags.
  • User profile with bio and option to edit it.
  • Delete your own post.
  • Like and comment on posts.
  • Delete comment made by you or someone on your post.
  • Exclusive search on every page for users and hashtags.
  • Page for all posts of a user.
  • Page for all posts with a specifc hashtag.
  • User with admin privileges can blacklist/whitelist a post.
  • Blacklisted posts are only visible to the admin and the creator of the post.