Weather Dashboard


The Weather Dashboard is a simple, user-friendly web application designed to display weather information for a variety of locations. Utilizing static weather data, this dashboard allows users to select a city and view its current weather conditions, including temperature and atmospheric phenomena.


Location Selection

  • Users can choose a city from a dropdown menu or input field to view its weather data.

Weather Display

  • Displays temperature, weather conditions, and the selected location's name dynamically based on user selection.

Temperature Operations

  • Includes functionalities to find the highest and lowest temperatures from the available data.
  • Allows users to convert temperature units between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Error Handling

  • Implements robust error handling for invalid location selections and incorrect data formats to ensure a smooth user experience.

User Preferences

  • Utilizes the browser's localStorage to save user preferences for a more personalized experience.

Getting Started

To use the Weather Dashboard, simply open the application in your web browser, select a city from the dropdown menu or type it in the input field, and the weather information will be displayed instantly.