Repository-Level Prompt Generation for Large Language Models of Code

Disha Shrivastava, Hugo Larochelle, Daniel Tarlow

This repository contains implementation and data for our work Repository-Level Prompt Generation for Large Language Models of Code. A block diagram of our approach can be found below. For more details, refer to the paper.



  • We have released the trained checkpoints for RLPG-H and RLPG-R models. You can download them here. While loading the state_dict, please set the strict parameter to False. Example usage can be found in
  • We are also releasing the prediction probabilities of the RLPG-H and RLPG-R models for each hole in our validation and test data. You can download them here. Each file contains the probabilities for all prompt proposals as given by the corresponding trained RLPG models. Example usage can be found in


Data preprocessing

The web URLs for all the repositories used in our work is provided in projects.txt. Download and store them in a folder called gcode-data. Then run This script will produce an output file called commands_gen_and_preprocess. Running it will execute three scripts:

  • creates the hole completion data by choosing the midpoint of each line as hole position.

  • creates a parse tree for each file as well as store repo-level meta-info needed to get rule-context.

  • check for duplicates within a repo. Running this will create a new folder called rule_classifier_data that has train, val and test subfolders. Inside each folder, we will have a folder for a repository that will contain the following:

    • The repository with .java files and preserving the directory structure.
    • hole_data
    • file_class_data
    • parsed_data
    • duplicates

Generating completions using Codex, i.e., obtaining the ground-truth for training the rule classifier. Generates a file commands_completion. Running this will create a new folder called results that has train, val and test subfolders. Inside each folder, we will have the ten folders corresponding to rule context locations. Each folder contains .json files corresponding to rule context types. Each row of the file contains data about the application of that particular rule to a hole. It stores the target hole, predicted hole, the prompt and the validity of the rule.

Generating the oracle Generates a file commands_analyze_results. Running this file will create a file called oracle inside each repo in rule_classifier_data. This file contains the collated information about the success of each rule for a particular target hole.

Generating the rule context representations for the rule classifier

Example usage: python --data_split=val --repo=jata4test --emb_model_type=codebert

This will lead to creation of codebert_mod folder inside the path rule_classifier_data/val/jata4test. Each file in this folder contains the rule context representation obtained from codebert for each hole.

Capping the number of holes This script will cap the maximum contribution from a repo to 10000 holes. After this, each repo folder will contain files capped_holes_10000, capped_codebert_mod and capped_oracle_10000.

Training the rule classiifer This needs the capped_codebert_mod folder (rule context representations) to be present inside each repo folder as well as capped_oracle_10000 file. The best model is stored in models directory along with the tensorboard logs. The output from each epoch is stored in the outputs folder.

Inference with the rule classifier This needs the capped_codebert_mod folder (rule context representations) to be present inside each repo folder as well as capped_oracle_10000 file. This produces a file inside the outputs folder that contains the prediction of the classifier for each hole.

Getting results for variation with k This needs a hole_stats_file as input (generated from the previous step) and a value of k.