
Searches songs from Spotify on YouTube and downloads them using pytube

Primary LanguagePython


Searches songs from Spotify on YouTube and downloads them using pytube

Planned Features

  • Arguments to use only inside terminal
  • Better automatic serching on YouTube


  • Spotify API Key
  • Python 3
  • ffmpeg

Python Libraries

  • spotipy
  • ytmusicapi
  • pytube
  • eyed3


  1. Clone the Repository.
  2. Change into the cloned directory: cd Spotify-To-MP3-Converter
  3. Install the required python packages using pip: pip install -r requirements
  4. Install ffmpeg: - On Linux you can install ffmpeg using your preferred package manager (see https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-linux) - On Windows, you can download builds from https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-windows - On Mac, you can download builds from https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-mac
  5. Create a new file secrets.py to store your Spotify API Keys
    # secrets.py
    client_id = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID'
    client_secret = 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET'
  6. Change the Spotify Playlist Link
    # spotip3.py
    def main():
       playlist_link = 'YOUR_PLAYLIST_LINK'
  7. Execute the script using python 3: python3 spotip3.py

Bugs and Contributions

If you find any bugs or issues with the script, please report them here on the "Issues" tab.