
A CUDA implementation of BFS from "Large Graph Algorithms for Massively Multithreaded Architectures" paper

Primary LanguageCuda


This is a CUDA implementation of BFS from the "Large Graph Algorithms for Massively Multithreaded Architectures" paper (Harish et al).

How to Use

Compile with $ bash compile.sh (sorry, no makefile). This will create an executable called ./demo.

Run it like so: ./demo /path/to/graph.txt <start-vertex-idx> (cpu | gpu).

Example: ./demo ./test-data/small.txt 0 gpu.

On i-th line of stdout, it will write the distance between vertex <start-vertex-idx> and vertex i, or a very large number (> 4e9) if i isn't reachable from <start-vertex-idx>.

Graph Representation

<number-of-vertices> <number-of-edges> (directed | undirected)
<edge-start-vertex-index> <edge-end-vertex-index>
<edge-start-vertex-index> <edge-end-vertex-index>
<edge-start-vertex-index> <edge-end-vertex-index>

There's an example at ./test-data/small.txt.

Code Structure

  • demo.cpp has main() and is the only executable utility.
  • The only public header is bfs.hpp.
  • The reference CPU version bfsCPU() is in bfs_cpu.cpp.
  • The CUDA version bfsCUDA() is in bfs.cu.
  • It uses
    • bfs_kernels.cu, which has BFSKernel1() and BFSKernel2() (Algorithms 2 and 3 in the paper);
    • compaction.cu, which has compactSIMD() (Section 3.2 in the paper);
    • scan.cu and scan_kernels.cu, which have, most notably, prescanArray() (an off-the-shelf implementation of scan operation).