This template does not meet the official requirements of academic paper.

Font Setup

You should put the required font (SimSun, SimKai, FangSong_GB2312, KaiTi_GB2312, Times New Roman) files in the following path


After you have placed the font file, run

texmacs --delete-font-cache

The TeXmacs hardcode its font substitutions. Therefore, you have to modify the font-substitution.scm by hand. This file locates in


Add the following line to this file

((Times\ New\ Roman cjk) (SimSun))

This will fallback cjk font in Times New Roman to SimSun. Other required fallback rules already exist in this file. The document font should be

enTimes New Roman
cjk regularSimSun
cjk italicKaiti_GB2312
cjk boldSimHei